[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] We have just published an update for The Riftbreaker. It contains fixes for various progression-blocking errors and crashes and a host of other bug fixes and changes. If you have encountered problems with the latest updates for the game, please try playing with this patch and see whether your issues have been solved. Please restart your Steam client if the update is not available to you yet. It will force Steam to check for the latest updates and begin the patching process. [h3]The Riftbreaker Maintenance Update, July 10th, 2024. EXE: 978 DATA: 573 Changelog:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the critical issue that caused the 'Destroy the Fungor Spawning Mounds' objective to get stuck. This patch applies retroactively (if you encountered this issue, the game should recognize it and fix it after loading your saved game) and should work in all cases. Please let us know if you encounter any issues with it. [*] Introduced rendering optimizations to reduce excessive render times in various biomes. [*] The game will now force its shader cache to reset after a version update to avoid conflicts. [*] Units should no longer get stuck in tight spots during attack waves, which should reduce the possibility of blocking the mission flow. [*] Laser Tower and Minigun Tower now have their own firing sounds. [*] Steel Floor added to the bioanomaly award pool. [*] Improved minimap icon Z-order. [*] The 'Indecisive' achievement has been fixed and is now obtainable. [*] The 'Treasure Hunter' achievement has been fixed and is now obtainable. [*] Fixed an issue that prevented the creature nests from appearing on the minimap. [*] Fixed a crash that occurred when using the Gravity Modulator. [*] Fixed a case that caused Mudroners to enter a 'deadlock' state. [*] Fixed a crash in GUI related to using the D-Pad on a controller. [*] Fixed a crash in GUI related to using scroll lists. [*] Fixed several crashes related to the Terrain Grid System. [*] Fixed several usability issues in the Inventory Screen and the Action Menu. [*] Fixed localization texts overlapping in several places. [/list] EXOR Studios