[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/MedicalSkinnyDugong-size_restricted.gif[/img] Higher res GIF: https://gfycat.com/pl/medicalskinnydugong (It's a bit long, so the quality took a hit) The gameplay of The Riftbreaker will require you to create a network of factories, mines and refineries, all connected to a power grid. The individual pieces of your base function as if they were a part of an organism and keeping them functional is going to be one of the most important aspects of the game. That is why we are giving the players a multitude of defensive options to choose from. Let’s dive deeper and take a look at the most basic ones - walls and towers. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34659267/6c95ce15022ec7dd962ab42a9e2cb2d1f7a75a01.jpg[/img] Raising a wall around the base is a relatively cheap and simple solution to keep the base safe and sound. While the structures themselves do not deal with the dangers of Galatea 37, they can delay the monsters for long enough for you to react. You will be notified if your buildings are in danger, giving you the chance to teleport home and eliminate the threat. Later on, a single wall might not be enough to keep the animals out of your base - you might want to think about building two layers instead. Our intelligent system will automatically change the shape of walls to make them look the part - there are straight pieces, corner pieces, t- and x- shaped ones, everything you need to surround yourself with a hefty amount of protection. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34659267/48e57b2f3665536f12726e58ae517c9b837509c1.jpg[/img] Still, even the thickest of walls will not stop a horde of Canoptrix from turning your colony into a scrapheap when you are not around. You will need some automated weapons to do that. The Riftbreaker will offer a choice of defensive towers, the first of which you could see on our livestream - if you have not had the chance to see it, here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZH0GhDAdNQ We call it the Sentinel Tower. While it is not very powerful it can certainly fend off a number of smaller enemies. In greater numbers, the Sentinels can even handle a couple of bigger monsters. They consume two resources in order to operate - energy and AI cores. What are AI cores, you might ask? They are required to operate most advanced automated systems like towers and drones. AI centers will calculate all the operations that the automated systems are going to carry out. More automation = more computing power necessary. We will talk more about this in the future. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34659267/ed1e7c9e919b4f30b166e2c235d4de8b1af600f5.jpg[/img] Some of you might be wondering if there is a practical use for the floor that we build behind the fences. There is one, and it is very important. The top of the walls are higher than Mr. Riggs' weapons are mounted, rendering them ineffective. By building the heightened floors you can reach over the wall and fire away. Besides, the floors make the base look neat! Recently we have also added a feature that has been a standard for most base-building games out there, but we’re happy about it nonetheless. You can replace any wall segment with a defensive tower or a gate. No more tedious selling what you’ve already built just in order to replace it with something else! After we aired the gameplay video, we received feedback that it is not always clear which building is currently selected. We fixed that by adding custom building highlights. Thanks for the suggestion! We will inform you about the new kinds of towers as they become functional. We do have many ideas, but could always welcome a few new ones. Would you like to take part in developing The Riftbreaker? Join our Discord server at www.discord.gg/exorstudios. We hang out there every day, not only talking about games, but other things as well. It’s great fun and we would love to have you there! www.facebook.com/exorstudios www.twitter.com/exorstudios www.mixer.com/exor_studios www.twitch.tv/exorstudios