[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BlindDrearyHind-size_restricted.gif[/img] [quote][i][h1]Kafferroceros [/h1] [b]Length[/b]: 5.1 – 5.2m [b]Height[/b]: 3.4 – 3.7m [b]Weight[/b]: 900 – 2300 kg [b]Endurance[/b]: quite resistant to enemy attacks thanks to the carapace covering its head and spine. [b]Attack[/b]: It charges at the enemy with its head down low (it resembles the hammerhead shark). Right before the attack it shakes its head and stomps its massive feet. Prefers solitary life. In its natural habitat, it subsists on a diet of small plants growing close to the ground, roots, sprouts, young leaves and fruit. It can break small trees in order to get food. It is careful, calm and easily startled. Escapes into the woods to hide from danger. Despite all this, it will attack if provoked, using its massive hammerhead. It's often encountered near ponds and swamps. It can't stand the heat, so encounters are most likely in the morning or just before dusk. Infused with the planet's energy it will trample over everything on its way, thrashing around and displacing boulders and trees. [/i][/quote] Hi-res: https://gfycat.com/blinddrearyhind Join our Discord to get all the news, keep in touch and have an impact on the game itself! www.discord.gg/exorstudios Other social media: www.facebook.com/exorstudios www.twitter.com/exorstudios www.mixer.com/exor_studios www.instagram.com/exor_studios