Hi! After a couple of weeks without much news, we are back with another portion of updates from development. We’re sorry for the break in content delivery. We promise we spent that time well and you will be able to see the results in April. We have loads of announcements to make. Follow closely! Let’s kick off this week’s news cycle with a reveal of a new creature. If you’re an avid viewer of our streams you’re probably familiar with this one - it’s Kermon. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/618bcb58a8d04d2c0d66123fe88d100e90bd4d81.png[/img] [b][i]All Kermon variants compared to Mr. Riggs.[/i][/b] Kermons are humanoid creatures that could serve as the definition of an apex predator. They live and hunt in small groups, targeting animals of all species as their prey. There is no direct evidence as of yet to confirm their ability to communicate with each other, but their cooperation and teamwork strongly suggest that. Kermons ambush creatures of all sizes and take them down with ease using their razor-sharp forearm blades. Seeing a pack of dismembered Canoptix should put you on high alert because you might be next. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/YTDleMTiTx1GKSrDbj/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]Kermons are very aggressive and try to kill all creatures they encounter just for sport.[/i][/b] Getting sliced in half or being made into a giant, robotic kebab will be the least of your worries, as these creatures can also turn invisible at will. Well, not exactly invisible - Kermons employ an advanced camouflage technique that makes them almost entirely transparent. Noticing them in that state is very difficult, but not impossible. You can see a slight distortion of the image in the area occupied by a cloaked Kermon, comparable to vibrations of the air on a hot day. Additionally, their bodies still affect what’s around them. If you see grass or bushes bending on their own, run or prepare to fight. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/XvNRCKd1aCLnc1uolj/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]Invisibility deliberately turned off. Kermons are not as tough as they look, but then again, nukes solve most problems.[/i][/b] Luckily, it’s not difficult to break Kermons’ stealth - they become visible every time they are attacking or taking damage. If you suspect that a Kermon is around the corner, fire off a burst from your minigun or sweep the area with the flamethrower. That should reveal any nasty, unwanted surprises you might have otherwise walked right into. Trust us on this one, we learned to do it the hard way! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/eOuY39aHJGtdlpK1fm/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]Again with invisibility off. Kermons' strength lies in burst damage and surprise factor. As long as you don't get caught by them you are fine.[/i][/b] Who knows what researching these creatures might lead to? Well, we do, but we won’t tell you just yet. Are you looking forward to meeting Kermons in the wild? If you are, then we don’t know what to say other than that we are concerned. You have no survival instinct. It’s okay though, your Mecha-suit will keep you alive, but try to be more careful next time... If you enjoyed this little article, there is a chance you will enjoy our biweekly streams as well - we’re live every Tuesday and Thrusday at 3 PM CET (we’re shifting to CEST next week, mind you) on www.twitch.tv/exorstudios. You can also catch us on Discord - www.discord.gg/exorstudios. See you there!