[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] In one of the previous articles, we showed you Crawlogs - the most common creature of the Crystal Caves biome. Quick, ugly, relentless, but relatively fragile. Today we would like to show you a creature that compliments the Crawlog’s weaknesses. Meeting a horde of the two species in the wild can cause you some headaches. It is time to meet another one of the new enemies that you will face in the Crystal Caves biome - Gulgor. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNDMwZWNhMWJmZjRkNjM1MmQ1MTZmNmQ4YmI2ZjliN2FmYmZiODkzZCZjdD1n/MV0702u06U8APrXZoI/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]A closer look at some of Gulgor's animations through our Model Editor.[/i][/b] Seeing Gulgor for the first time, you might think that it is a bit out of place. It resembles a frog-lizard hybrid that would seem much more at home in the Galatean Tropical Zone, but that is just the first impression. In reality, Gulgor is an extremely dangerous predator, well adapted to the environmental conditions and hazards of the Crystal Caves biome. Its symbiotic relationship with the strange crystalline formations seen all around the biome gives the creature versatile defensive mechanisms, and its impressive physique is not something you should ignore, either. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOTlmNGZmMGNhOTE5MWU3ZGJkMzdjMzRmYmU1OWQ0N2YwMjAyNzczYyZjdD1n/nMLrQU9AueW8sExL6H/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]Gulgors need to be quite close to you to attack, so you should be safe in most cases, but when you drill right into their nest you might get in trouble.[/i][/b] Gulgors are bulky, aggressive reptiles that traverse the Galatean depths in small packs. Their massive, muscular bodies could suggest that they rely on physical strength for protection, but that is not entirely the case. When cornered, they will obviously resort to brute force. However, when hunting or fighting for territory, Gulgors will usually keep their distance and use their ranged attack. They puff up their cheeks to build up air pressure and release it all in an instant, accompanied by razor-sharp crystal shards. The volley of these shards has quite a limited range, but given the wide cone it affects, it is a very powerful offensive technique you should be wary of. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNjYxNjUzZDJiYzgzNzgyMDY5MmM1MjhlYWM5N2NiMDNiZjkyYjAyNSZjdD1n/zvAXouu9N1PR7NVEvU/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]You can use Gulgors' short range to your advantage and lure them into spots which favour you.[/i][/b] Speaking of things you should be cautious about, take a look at Gulgor’s impressive claws. Not only can they shred almost anything to pieces, but they are also an extremely efficient digging tool. The creature’s ability to quickly burrow itself underground and dig small tunnels is invaluable. Gulgors often remain burrowed underground for a long time, waiting for unsuspecting prey to come close enough. Then, they will emerge from beneath the ground, ambushing the poor creature that walked into their trap. Even if a corridor looks empty, it doesn’t mean you should be careless! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZGFiNDljY2U4OWVmMDA3NGUwNDM1NGQ1YzhiNzM3YjM5ZTMwNDY4NyZjdD1n/1A7sZvDCqwgcVn3jXK/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]As usual, big explosives can get rid of your pest problems.[/i][/b] Encounters with Gulgors are sure to be memorable for one more reason. Even if you manage to track them all down and defeat them, they won’t let you forget about the battle for a long time. Upon dying, Gulgors’ bodies appear to be consumed by the Galatean earth itself, leaving a crystal pillar behind. It’s just as if the crystalline network of the Crystal Caves biome is claiming them back, leaving a crystal graveyard of sorts to remind you of the battle. It is a beautiful but eerie sight. Gulgors and Crawlogs make a fearsome duo, which you will certainly see often during both the exploration of the cavern systems and the battles against attack waves. However, we still have a lot more creatures in store for you, so the ones we talked about today will be the least of your worries. Promise! Join us on www.discord.gg/exorstudios and www.twitch.tv/exorstudios for more previews of the Crystal Caves biome. We're eager to hear your feedback! EXOR Studios