Hello everyone! We hope that you are doing well! The work on The Riftbreaker is progressing at a steady pace. With most of the technological hurdles behind us, we are implementing new features and reworking the old ones that did not quite meet our standards. Every day brings us closer to completing the final feature set and to release. We can't wait. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/d47da6afcd9465653cc1c39f68e20b5d48c8efc5.jpg[/img] Our closed Alpha is receiving an update today, introducing support for various languages, new decoration options, a couple of new weapons, and other quality of life fixes. The full changelog can be found below. As always, we are really grateful for all the feedback and suggestions that you keep sending us here and on Discord. As a token of appreciation, we are going to send out a new wave of Alpha keys today! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/6d51ee8bd1b96293837ab93d0c9cada85030453b.jpg[/img] Being active in the community and during our streams is the best way to ensure your Alpha access and stay up to date with the development of the game. You can always catch us and other fans excited for the game on our Discord server! [url=https://www.discord.gg/exorstudios][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/f0ec4006cadc3d25dbcea98e6a287efcdb3f178a.png[/img][/url] [h1]THE RIFTBREAKER ALPHA 3.5 CHANGELOG[/h1] [h2]FEATURES[/h2] [list] [*] Added new damage highlights. [*] Solar and wind power efficiency is now represented on the HUD. [*] New Weapon: Grenade Launcher. You can now skillfully lob explosives over rocks on the heads of unsuspecting Canoptrix! [*] New Comsumable: Grenade. Point, click, boom. [*] New interactive events: Earthquake and Resource Earthquake. [*] The Prologue content, as well as a big chunk of the Survival Mode is now localized to various languages. [*] Double swords are now a thing! You can use two melee weapons at the same time and not make Mr. Riggs breakdance! [*] New lamps added - blue, red, green, cyan, yellow, orange, violet [*] New Decorations - potted plants, statues, floors! [*] Max distance energy connector building - a quality of life upgrade requested by many is finally here! Praise Starbugs! [/list] [h2]CHANGES[/h2] [list] [*] Healthbars have been increased in size to improve visibility. [*] Minimap zoom in/out buttons improved. [*] Corpses now dissolve more quickly near buildings to decrease clutter and reduce the risk of spreading deadly microbes (not really). [*] Drilling animation is a lot faster and responsive now. [*] Melee attacks are a bit quicker [*] The Resource Comet event has been updated with new visuals and effects. It's a real comet now! [*] The Prologue mission has been tweaked a little bit to better explaing game mechanics and avoid confusion. [*] Homing and autoaim mods have been tweaked, the projectiles behave a little bit more naturally. [*] Ammo cost tweaked in all weapons - more ammo for swarm, much less ammo for burst rifle [*] Critical chance tweaked in all weapons [*] Effects for magma powerplant added [*] Unsupported CPUs no longer trigger a crash - we now display a civilized info box. [*] Same with older versions of VCredist - we suggest an upgrade instead of crashing. [/list] [h2]SOUNDS[/h2] [list] [*] We have migrated to a new XAudio library. You won't notice a difference, but it solves a lot of issues, like crashes after disconnecting a bluetooth headset during gameplay. [/list] [h2]GRAPHICS[/h2] [list] [*] All resources have been updated with new graphics. That includes in-game models, icons, as well as minimap colors. [*] During the Ion Storm event the map interference is now displayed as static. It no longer goes bzzzzzzzzzz. [*] Added new fonts to support languages that do not use Latin alphabet. [/list] [h2]BUGFIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Tower lights no longer misbehave. They were very naughty. [*] Weapon statistics rounding fixed [*] Due to an elusive bug that causes the Mech to fall through the floor, all objects below the ground level are killed off. This is not the final fix, but it should allow you to continue playing if you fall through the ground. [*] Superior minigun added to research [*] Fixed wrong stat type in fire per burst and per shot mods [*] Double light deleted from sniper rifle bullet - should no longer cause the particle buffer to overflow. [*] A lot of smaller bugfixes for the issues hunted down by our brave Alpha testers :* [/list]