[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NRDmYNy4gidK89DMte/giphy.gif[/img] [code] [b][i]> TRANSFER COMPLETE. > SYSTEM REBOOT REQUIRED. DOCK THE UNIT IN THE HEADQUARTERS. > UPDATING… DO NOT UNPLUG YOUR DEVICE. [/i] Mr. Riggs, Ashley’s mechanical companion has just received a software update! The new firmware version unlocks the full mobility potential of the unit, giving the user full control over thrusters and servos. [/b] [/code] Ever since we gave you access to the Alpha version of The Riftbreaker you have only been able to use one movement skill - the dash. Don’t get me wrong - it’s a very useful skill. It allows you to get around the map quickly, close the gap between you and your target, or it can save your shiny metal hull from getting cornered and destroyed. You wanted more, so we got you more. Here’s what we came up with so far! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/b8VzQlViZWIjSmqAbM/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]INFERNOOOOO![/i][/b] First of all, the dash itself has received an upgrade. Apart from the regular one, available from the beginning of your adventure, you will now be able to research and craft elemental variants of the dash skill. These variants will leave a trail of fire, acid, or ice in Mr. Riggs’ wake, damaging all enemies that come into contact with it. It’s useful in combat and it looks cool as well. Who wouldn’t love to leave a trail of fire behind them?! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/gMKgg2ED4dw34dFBNW/giphy.gif[/img] If you are tired of being stuck on the ground you can research and install this next skill - the Power Jump. In its most basic form, the skill will allow Mr. Riggs to jump several meters into the air and land in the target area, causing a shockwave that will do nasty things to all wildlife in the vicinity. Such a skill can be extremely useful, especially if some small animals, like Canoptrix, block your path to the more important and more threatening targets. With the jump, you will be able to ignore those little buggers and go for the big guys instead. Whether that’s a good idea or not is a different story. The Power Jump can be upgraded to utilize elemental damage as well! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dbGVuVIFT9ER3JOOFU/giphy.gif[/img] If you are not a fan of such a direct approach to combat and prefer to play mind games with your opponents instead, let us present you with the short-range teleport. Much like the dash, the teleport allows Mr. Riggs to quickly move from one place to another. By utilizing the rift technology the process is almost instant and ignores physical barriers, meaning you can escape over a wall, for example. The drawback is that unlike in the case of the dash, you cannot damage your enemies while using this skill. On the other hand, you are invincible during the rift jump, giving you a brief moment of safety. You decide which one you prefer. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/7DjmSWTKS8EifWU9tW/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]That awkward moment when your Power Jump turns into a jetpack... Ah well, fewer bugs to fix later on![/i][/b] There are some other movement skills that we have been working on, like the classic dodge-roll. We think that by giving you access to a variety of moves you will be able to adapt Mr. Riggs to suit your playstyle a little more. With elemental damage as an added bonus, we could see the skill selection process to become an interesting metagame in its own right! Do you have any other ideas for Mr. Riggs’ movement skills? Let us know in the comments and in the feedback section of our Discord - www.discord.gg/exorstudios. [code] [i][b]EXOR CORP. is not responsible for any damage that happens as a result of the pilot utilizing unauthorized software in their Mecha-Suit. Modifying the unit with unofficial skill expansion modules may void your warranty. EXOR CORP. denies claims that the Mecha-Suit AI may become sentient. Please contact your Mecha-dealer if your unit starts presenting any signs of individual thoughts.[/b][/i] [/code] P.S. Thank you for all the bug reports that you sent our way! We might not have been able to respond individually to each and every one of you, but we checked all the crash reports you sent our way. We managed to find a pattern in those crashes, and we believe we fixed at least one of them. We are pushing out the update right now. If you experienced crashes at startup while using DirectX 12, please check if the issues have been resolved. We will contact those of you with whom we spoke earlier and who helped us fix the problem. We would also like the following people to contact us. Send me an email to piotr.bomak at exorstudios.com or contact me @voidreaver on www.discord.gg/exorstudios - your crash dumps are very helpful and informative and we'd like to have a way to speak to you :) Squizle Dak Dave-Ayreon Relykt mand1as EXOR Studios