[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/780310/view/3103544257484515967]We are very happy that the previous Community Modding Spotlight article[/url] has been received so well. WirawanMYT’s Expanded Arsenal Mod received a lot of well-deserved attention and praise. Wirawan also plans to develop his mod further and has a major update lined up just around the corner. [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/theriftbreaker/mods/122]If you haven’t checked that mod out just yet, you can do so here.[/url] Today we want to highlight another mod that has genuinely amazed us[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/theriftbreaker/mods/150?tab=description]. This one is called ‘Jungle More Variation’ and it has been created by sublimecala13er.[/url] We think the name undersells what this mod really does. [b]It is a pack of 12 brand-new tiles for the Jungle survival mode and the Jungle part of the Campaign, [/b]which does not ‘just’ give you more variation - it makes you feel like you’re playing an entirely different game! Sublimecala13er created his map tiles using the World Editor component of The Riftbreaker Editor suite. The pack features a wide selection of tiles for the map generation algorithm. Apart from the classic, open tiles designed for base development, the mod offers some truly original and surprising ‘landmark’ tiles, which make use of our existing assets in new and exciting ways. Let’s take a look at some of them now! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/R9I8SnV6e3JlEPUxMc/giphy.gif[/img] This canyon tile looks quite simple - it’s just four holes in the ground and four passages with a larger, central hub. However, incorporating this tile into your base structure gives you the possibility of funneling and blocking the enemy hordes so that your defenses can actually keep up with the thousands of creatures trying to wipe out everything you have built. Neat! If you’re lucky enough to find resources on this tile, it is also quite easy to create a well-defended outpost. Double neat! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/a0GK7qvi09J4jHKrdQ/giphy.gif[/img] Another awesome thing sublimecala13er has done is using a couple of tiles stitched together to create a larger, more controlled environment. This 2x2 tile is a great place to build a compact, but complete base that is easily defensible and gives you a fighting chance even on brutal difficulty. Large amount of terrain obstacles and natural barriers also means you don’t have to sell your robot body parts to afford walls. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/2Q677eZEmlR3rhUKAU/giphy.gif[/img] The thing that excited us the most, however, is the way sublimecala13er used the tools and props available to him to create this beauty - an asteroid ‘landing strip’. How cool is that?! This shows you just how creative you can get and what an effect a clever arrangement of simple props could have. 10/10 would visit again. Sublimecala13er’s tiles are complete game pieces - they do not miss any elements that you could find on our original map tiles. If you want to refresh your next Jungle Survival or Campaign Mode playthrough this mod is for you. [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/theriftbreaker/mods/150?tab=description]We highly recommend checking it out.[/url] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/780310/view/3109170041988719336]We also highly recommend trying the editors on your own[/url] - sublimecala13er learned everything by watching our tutorial videos and reverse-engineering existing tiles. You can do it, too! And when you do, we will be there to show your work off. As promised, we are working on a robust mod distribution system that will allow you to publish and download mods in-game. We want to make the content distribution as seamless and safe as possible, while also enabling users across all platforms to take part in the modding community. We will keep you updated on that as we progress, but rest assurred - we do want that to happen. Looking forward to more mods! EXOR Studios