Hello Riftbreakers! Last week you had a sneak peek at one of the most disturbing inhabitants of Galatea 37 - the Phirian. Well, to be completely honest we showed it to you even earlier, back in September, as a little Easter egg in one of our other news pieces. To be fair it was well hidden - which is fitting. Phirians are not the most sociable creatures on the planet. Today let’s take a more detailed look at this mysterious creature and discover all the different ways they are going to try and ruin your day. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/809eff0c0cec3435af2be07e17e0d71c02ea8906.jpg[/img] [i][b]All Phirian variants with the mech for scale. The mech is 5 meters tall, by the way.[/b][/i] The Phirian is unlike anything we’ve seen before on Galatea 37. It is a weird amalgamation of a reptile and a humanoid. The creature uses its five muscular tails to push its tall, slender body along the ground, almost like a snake, but the similarities end there. Phirians keep an upright position, giving them a great overview of their immediate surroundings, which means that if you see one, it can most definitely see you as well. This will give you a chance to have a closer look at one of the Phirian’s most prominent features - its arms. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/WK43Qakpa8wL34tpz2/giphy.gif[/img] [i][b]Phirians are actually pretty chill when you are not around...[/b][/i] While the left arm of this abomination would be enough to deter most people from ever wanting to deal with the Phirian, it is the right arm that takes the spotlight. Yes, that’s a sword. Yes, it’s bigger than your sword. No, running away will not help you. Despite being almost 10 meters tall, Phirian’s signature attack is a blisteringly quick dash towards the target, accompanied by a powerful thrust of the sword arm right through the victim. This is preceded by a short preparation period when the Phirian coils its body up in order to get the most strength out of its horrendously long and muscular body. If you can spot that, you can also avoid the strike. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/zEJbFQQA2soeXX4w00/giphy.gif[/img] [i][b]...but if you are around they are going to slash you into pieces, also destroying everything along the way.[/b][/i] The entire upper body of the creature is covered with thick armor-like plates, meaning you will need to work really hard to punch through. Gather all the samples that you find and make sure to use the bioscanner to find the Phirians’ weaknesses. You will need every edge possible in order to combat these creatures. Luckily for you, it doesn’t seem like these creatures’ population is that big and it is highly unlikely you will meet them in larger groups. If that happens, do the reasonable thing - just teleport back to base, pack your bags and go home ASAP. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/b053687e52e73b046da8eef5c2177d44dae9fdbf.png[/img] Just kidding. As long as you don’t allow yourself to get cornered, Mr. Riggs’ equipment and weapons will take down even the toughest creatures you could find on Galatea 37. They may be scary. They may be ugly. They may be gross. But they are no match for you. You are The Riftbreaker, the best of the best, and the entire world is counting on you. Do them proud.