[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] Setting up the energy grid is one of the key challenges you must face when setting up an outpost in a new biome in The Riftbreaker. All biomes have different weather conditions. The kind of resources available usually dictates what type of tech we will have access to. It is no different in the Crystal Caves biome. Given that we’re going to be underground all the time while exploring this biome, our most basic power generation options - Wind Turbines and Solar Panels - are not the first choice that springs to mind. However, a true Riftbreaker will always find a solution. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/1b76072041800d21cc0355d90c184eaa0bfac531.jpg[/img] [b][i]Hated by some, loved by few, Carbonium Power Plants will help you get things started.[/i][/b] There might not be plenty of sunlight or air currents underground, but nature makes up for that in other meaningful ways. The first thing you should do while choosing the right spot for your base is look for carbonium deposits. There is plenty of them - more than enough to get away with sacrificing room for a couple of carbonium factories and building carbonium power plants instead. They will help you power your equipment early in a Survival run. Later, you can move to Crystal Caves' next significant power source - Geothermal Vents. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/b680e5f417b93e7a597150350f2179bf00231f16.jpg[/img] [b][i]Finding a spot like this is just like hitting a jackpot. Geothermal vent PLUS a wind tunnel![/i][/b] There is plenty of geological activity going on beneath the surface of Galatea 37, a relatively young planet. While exploring the cavern systems, you will encounter many geothermal vents that can be utilized as a power and water source. A steady stream of clean, free electricity will keep your power network juiced up for quite some time. Later, you can utilize the water from these power plants to cool some more advanced buildings, such as nuclear power plants. Given the naturally occurring uranium deposits, they are a real possibility here. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//34659267/a3d33741525e0e7a59e5ce72fe0a15402662d40a.jpg[/img] [b][i]What could go wrong if we put a massive nuclear reactor underground?[/i][/b] Setting up carbonium and geothermal power plants is an excellent foundation to build on. Still, they won’t be enough to power a base with dozens of turrets, factories, and other facilities. To fully master this biome, you must take advantage of several phenomena and anomalies that occur in the Crystal Caves regularly. First, it is not entirely true that you can’t utilize Wind Turbines and Solar Power in this biome - you can do so but to a limited degree. There are places where the terrain formation causes strong air currents to form. We call them wind tunnels. The area they affect is relatively small, but the turbulent air they create makes your Wind Turbines spin quicker than usual, making for a lovely addition to your power network. They won’t keep you online on their own but might make the difference between repelling an attack and losing half of your base. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZDNjMmIyNWNmM2FiMjg1M2VhYzY5OGRiMTVmZWQxZjIwYTg5ZDAzNyZjdD1n/TLOAxhtjq4h3rPEJhk/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]Natural skylights allow you to make use of Solar Panels. We originally didn't plan to make that available, but a lot of our Twitch chatters expected this to work, so we obliged.[/i][/b] You will also have chances to utilize Solar Panels in the Crystal Caves biome. Because we are just a couple dozen meters below the surface of Galatea 37, it is pretty common for natural ‘skylights’ to appear. You can clearly see where they are by looking at the ground during the day - the areas below these skylights get much brighter, allowing you to position your Solar Panels for maximum efficiency. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExY2Q0ZGY3NmFkNjJmMThmYjViNDkwMTAwYTkzMzZhOTZmYjA5MDlmMCZjdD1n/BIEwf9DkYMq2xkAKgp/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]A couple of hammer swings will kickstart your self-sustaining biomass chain.[/i][/b] Another way of boosting your electricity production is to make use of biomass. There is little light or nutritious soil in Crystal Caves, but, as we know, nature always finds a way. Mushrooms thrive in this environment and grow unexpectedly fast. You can set up a network of plant harvesters to gather the mushrooms and turn them into usable fuel for your Plant Biomass Powerplants. Alternatively, you can have some fun and go biomass hunting yourself. We heard that chainsaws and hammers work really well! (And yeah, we know that mushrooms are not plants, but thanks to advanced Rift Technology™, anything is possible!) [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMTMwZTM0NDJkNjQ1N2Y0NzZmZjlmMDdhMjZhODU5MzE2ZDk1YjIxNSZjdD1n/6Y24ZAcMhQ0XcAUGc5/giphy.gif[/img] [b][i]This is just a working prototype - the final building will have its own model and effects. However, the functionality is there already![/i][/b] But, of course, we wouldn’t leave you without any new technologies! Here’s a sneak peek of the latest groundbreaking invention in World Expansion II - Energy Pylons! These huge structures act as long-distance energy connectors. You set one up in your base and connect it to your primary energy grid. It will serve as your transmitter. Then, you can build another one in a location further away from your base. The second pylon is a receiver - it will collect all the energy sent by the transmitter, allowing you to connect both locations to the primary power grid without needing the standard, fragile energy connectors. One caveat of this technology is that Pylons on both ends need power themselves to stay operational. The cost is high, but the potential - endless. Also, please note that what you see here is just a working prototype - the final building will have its own model and will likely change in functionality a couple of times during development! As you can see, the power situation is far from hopeless in Crystal Caves. There are plenty of solutions to choose from, and if you manage to use them all at once, you should end up with a stable energy network without much issue. You will need it to face all the creatures lurking in the darkness! Join our streams for previews of Crystal Caves - www.twitch.tv/exorstudios - we won’t spoil everything, promise! We also promise to hold a beta testing period for this biome. It will be announced at www.discord.gg/exorstudios. Don’t miss it! EXOR Studios