[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BogusLivelyGemsbuck-size_restricted.gif[/img] [quote][i][b]Length:[/b] 0.95 – 1.3m [b]Height:[/b] 0.7 – 1m [b]Weight:[/b] 44 – 64 kg [b]Endurance:[/b] low ability to withstand enemy attacks [b]Attack:[/b] melee attack using its paws or biting with its sharp teeth. The main danger is being surrounded by a group of several specimens and being attacked by more than one simultaneously.[/i] [i]Canoptrix live in packs. They count usually not more than 25 specimens. It subsists on a diet of smaller prey, hunting in groups. During a famine, it will also devour cadavers. It usually attacks weaker and smaller prey. In the face of a predator, the Canoptrix try to hide among small bushes and bigger roots. If feeling threatened or if their territory has been trespassed, they will attack in larger groups, trying to surround the enemy.[/i][/quote] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShinyClearBantamrooster-size_restricted.gif[/img] The Canoptrix are one of the most common animals Ashley will encounter upon arrival to Galatea 37. Their strength lies in numbers. They are not very aggressive by nature, but the Riftbreaker’s presence on their planet will enrage at least some packs, which means your base will get attacked by them. The groups you encounter in the wild will vary in their behavior. Some of them will simply ignore you as long as you don’t mess with them. Others will run on sight. Examining the Canoptrix specimens you find might reveal some interesting facts about the planet’s wildlife and food chain. Just try not to get overrun, Mr. Riggs doesn’t like scratches on his paint. EXOR Studios