[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] [b]We have just published an update to the Experimental Branch of The Riftbreaker. It features a lot of bug fixes to the issues you found with the previous build. It also brings a portion of improvements and balancing changes. [/b] [b]This update is (most likely) incompatible with any current mods.[/b] Please remove all mods before playing. [b]MAKE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR SAVE FILES![/b] Make a copy of 'The Riftbreaker' folder from your documents and keep it safe. This Experimental Release is available to everyone on an opt-in basis. Please be aware that things might not work as intended and you may encounter problems. If you don’t want to take any risks, please wait for the public release of this update. [h3]With all these warnings out of the way, here’s how to access the experimental branch:[/h3] [olist] [*] create a backup copy of your save folder (Documents/The Riftbreaker) [*] disable Steam Cloud save backup for The Riftbreaker [*] go to your Steam Library [*] right-click on The Riftbreaker [*] select 'Properties,’ then 'Betas,’ and use the following password: IknowWhatImDoing [/olist] After that, you will be able to choose 'experimental' from the drop-down menu. Download the update, play the game, and let us know if you encounter any issues. We also have a channel on our Discord: #rb-experimental-feedback - we highly encourage you to join in and share your feedback. This is the full changelog for this patch. Please treat it as a potential spoiler. [expand type=spoiler] [h3]The Riftbreaker Experimental Branch Update, June 6th, 2024. EXE: 689, DATA: 518 Changelog:[/h3] [list] [*] HCM's and Power Rod Tower's targets no longer need to be in direct line of sight. [*] Increased the minimum range for HCM and Power Rod. [*] Added target markers to HCM and Power Rod projectiles. [*] HCM - less damage, higher ammo cost, shorter burning time. [*] Mortar Sentry - longer range, more projectiles. [*] Root Gun - faster projectiles, better effects. [*] Reduced ammo storage and production speed for High Caliber Tower Ammo. [*] Power Rod Tower - reduced fire rate, lower damage, increased ammo consumption, reduced damage over time. [*] Floating Piercer Tower - increased ammo consumption. [*] Flame Blade - reduced swing rate. [*] Trident - reduced swing rate. [*] Repeater Rifle - increased damage. [*] Fire damage is now unable to destroy vegetation unless it is a direct melee attack. Vegetation can still burn as usual. [*] Thanks to the fix above, the Flame Blade is now finally useful and will not bounce off random blades of grass! [*] Tornado damage type has been changed to physical. Tweaked damage, radius, and lifetime. [*] Acid Pools produced by the Swamp Nests are now much more visible - even in water. [*] Gas Extractor ruins mesh changed to show the Gas Vent. [*] Fixed Phirian attack trigger origin to fix problems with accuracy. [*] Hedroner can now walk through Sludge. [*] Flammable Gas Vent now has a shadow casting light. [*] Added constraints to Floating Immolator Tower to fix problems with aiming. [*] Improved sound effects for Power Wells. [*] Added a special sound for surprise attacks in the Swamp Biome. [*] New effects and sounds for the Gravity Modulator. [*] Ammo Consumption for Mortars has been lowered. [*] Increased ammo consumption for Grenade Launcher. [*] Multiple Improvements to the Charged Bomb. [*] Increased the minimap icon size for the 3x3 Towers. [*] Changed the shooting pattern in Shotgun Tower. [*] Fixed melee weapon positioning in the Inventory Screen. [*] Fixed the texture on HCM level 1. [*] Fixed player getting stuck in the 'interact' pose. [*] Fixed garbage letters in foundation_vine.ent for Dmitry! [*] Fixed the Boss Attack option in the Debug Menu. [*] Fixed the Unlimited Ammo cheat in the Debug Menu. [*] Fixed Resin Trees not producing any resources. [*] Fixed effects and attachments for the Power Rod Tower. [*] Fixed issues with animating props behavior after they are burnt. [*] Fixed some issues with gamepad and keyboard navigation in multiple menu screens - gamepad support is still not final. [*] Fixed a crash in BlueprintReloadSystem. [*] Fixed first frame issues for EmissiveDayAndNightAffector, ShadowDayAndNightAffector and LightDayAndNightAffector. These were small glitches that frequently appeared upon loading into the game, caused by wrong order of operations in our engine. [*] Fixed a crash in GridRenderableSystem. [*] Fixed a crash that occurred when unequipping saplings and other similar items. [*] Multiple other fixes and changes - too many to list. [/list] [/expand] Thank you for all the feedback so far, keep it coming! EXOR Studios