Hello Riftbreakers, Thank you for all the bug reports regarding the last experimental update. We have managed to fix a lot of issues and add a little bit more polish to some elements of the game - the effects department in particular. We have also introduced some changes to the way ammunition is displayed in hope to make it a bit more transparent for you. This patch also adds support for seasonal events. A couple of times a year, during various holiday seasons around the world we are going to give you the option to replace some of the original in-game models with holiday versions. This is purely cosmetic and optional - you can opt-in or out of these events at any time. To join the experimental branch: [olist] [*] create a backup copy of your save folder (Documents/The Riftbreaker) [*] disable Steam Cloud save backup [*] go to your Steam Library [*] right-click on The Riftbreaker [*] select 'Properties,’ then 'Betas,’ and use the following password: [b]IknowWhatImDoing[/b] [/olist] After that, you will be able to choose 'experimental' from the drop-down menu. Download the update, play the game and let us know if you encounter any issues. We also have a channel on our Discord: #rb-experimental-feedback - we highly encourage you to join in and share your feedback. [b]EXTREMELY IMPORTANT:[/b] Saves that you create on the Experimental Branch WILL NOT be compatible with older versions of the game like the current, default branch of the game. They will be compatible with future versions of the game - save files only migrate forward. Please manually backup your save files if you plan on reverting to the default branch of the game. The experimental branch might contain severe errors and bugs. If you are not sure if you want to accept that risk, we recommend waiting until the patch is confirmed to be stable and until it arrives on the main branch. [h1]The Riftbreaker Experimental Update - Campaign & Modding Update - Patch 1. Package #97, Binaries #373.[/h1] [h3]NEW FEATURES[/h3] [list] [*] Implemented seasonal events. During holiday seasons you will get the option to use modified models for some objects in the game. It is a purely cosmetic change. You will be asked whether you want to enable this setting the first time you launch the game during a holiday season. It can be changed any time in the options menu. We’d like to test this mechanism on the Experimental branch first, but the final content and the final date when this will be enabled is subject to change. [*] All Headquarter building levels now have their own custom models. Level indicators removed from the Headquarters building. [*] Mr. Riggs will no longer take damage during the sunburn event when the mech is hidden in shadows. [*] Added 'Restore to Default' button to the Custom Difficulty settings screen. [*] Added a new error message for the Xbox Save Game API - exceeding 16MB game save size limit. This will work until a proper solution is implemented ( we’re working on it, but it’s complicated and requires extreme amounts of testing to prevent save error problems ). [*] [Modding] Added EnvironmentService:RemoveResistance( Exor::Entity id, Exor::String type, Exor::String name ); [/list] [h3]CHANGES[/h3] [list] [*] Changed the cooldown effect on HUD from black to orange to make it more visible. [*] Added upgrade popup to all HQ upgrade levels instead of only the first one. [*] Disabled HQ upgrading using the upgrade tool to prevent upgrading it by mistake. [*] Changed ammunition display - the game will now show you the number of shots left instead of ammo units. For example: if your weapon consumes 10 ammo per shot and your maximum capacity for that ammo is 100, the game will display 10/10 and go down by one after you shoot. [*] Ammo display changed for continuous weapons (ex. the flamer) - the ammo display updates more frequently now. [*] The 'sell outpost' popup will no longer incorrectly display information about AI cores to be transferred to the HQ. [*] Mr. Riggs' model will no longer blink when it resists damage. [*] Building Time Multiplier option in the Custom Difficulty menu does not affect the HQ building time. [*] Changed the display of 'Attacks per wave multiplier', 'Prepare attack time multiplier', and 'Idle time multiplier' options from the Custom Difficulty menu from float to percentage. [*] Improved custom campaign difficulty setting names. 'Prepare attack time multiplier' -> 'Time to prepare for an attack, 'Idle time multiplier' -> ‘Time between enemy attacks’. [*] Changed the default autosave interval to 10 minutes from 5 minutes [*] Added a new explosion effect for the Cryogenic Mine. [*] Randomized loot removed from buildings - changed to an automatic system that drops 10% of the building's cost upon destruction. [*] Range circle added to Short Range Radar ghost while building. [*] Less expensive and less intrusive time damage effects on enemies. [*] Smaller debris explosion force for magmoth - less clutter on screen. [*] Fixed death_att orientation and position in all enemies. [*] Fixed time damage effect scale in enemies - some are bigger, some are smaller. [*] Effect inheritance added to phirian. [*] Building time in floor increased to match the new building mechanic. [*] Rotated the model and increased the polycount on arachnoid_boss_projectile. [*] Added proper magmoth boss projectile textures. [*] Updated magmoth projectile materials to use unique textures. [*] Changed hedroner alpha projectile to fit the creature model. [/list] [h3]FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the 'sell outpost' popup background scaling. [*] Fixed the Headquarters upgrade display error that caused the building limit to blink red while upgrading. [*] Fixed a problem with the auto aim feature on the Floating Mines that caused the mines to spawn sideways. [*] Fix categories sorting in the inventory screen - categories are always in the same order [*] Additional fixes for problems that prevented users from activating the portal in the endgame sequence. [*] Fixed a problem that prevented the Fusion Power Plant from producing plasma when the energy storage was full. [*] Fixed incorrect radius display in Attack Drone Tower. [*] Fixed range display in Cultivator and Collector (ghost level 2 and 3). [*] Fixed bioscanner collision problems that sometimes prevented users from scanning objects. [/list]