Hello Riftbreakers! First of all, a massive THANK YOU to everyone who decided to try out our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/780310/view/3030352531903992736]experimental branch[/url]. We have managed to catch a lot of bugs early and fix them before they became an issue on the public build. That being said, the update still needs some thorough testing and a couple of days of trials before we can call it ‘ready’. We have decided to patch the experimental branch first, to ensure that the next patch does not cause you any critical issues. If you don’t find any significant problems with it over the weekend, this will be the next public patch that we are going to push out early next week. To join the experimental branch: [olist] [*] create a backup copy of your save folder (Documents/The Riftbreaker) [*] disable Steam Cloud save backup [*] go to your Steam Library [*] right-click on The Riftbreaker [*] select 'Properties,’ then 'Betas,’ and use the following password: [b]IknowWhatImDoing[/b] [/olist] After that, you will be able to choose 'experimental' from the drop-down menu. Download the update, play the game and let us know if you encounter any issues. We also have a channel on our Discord: #rb-experimental-feedback - we highly encourage you to join in and share your feedback. [h1]The Riftbreaker Experimental Branch Changelog, October 29th, 2021, Binary #355, Package TC#76 [/h1] [list] [*] Weather events such as acid rain and hail storm are now more localized and no longer deal damage to all structures. Their time has also been reduced. [*] Added more neutral weather events to the event pool to reduce the chance of a negative event taking place. [*] Streaming options have been enabled for the Campaign Mode. [*] Fixed a crash that occurred while changing items in equipment slots. [*] Fixed a crash in the SetCurrentTarget method that occurred if the targeted entity was destroyed during aiming. [*] Fixed a crash that occurred when 'cheat_set_player_health' and 'cheat_add_resource' commands were used with invalid arguments. [*] Fixed a crash in WeaponSystem that occurred when the owner died in the same frame as the weapon dropped. [*] Fixed a crash that occurred when the player used interactive streaming options while on a different campaign mode map than the HQ. [*] Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when a Necrodon was trying to revive a unit. [*] Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when entering text in a Text Box. [*] Fixed text boxes cutting off the initial characters of all entered strings. [*] Fixed invalid memory access on the Planetary Scanner screen which could have led to memory corruption and crashes. [*] Fixed display problems with AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution while running the game in borderless window mode. [*] Fixed Energy Connectors refusing to connect buildings to the energy grid. [*] Fixed inventory corruption and mods disappearing when disassembling weapons with mods attached. [*] Added support for parts and decals sinking and dissolving on quicksand. [*] Attack Drone Towers have been tweaked to be more useful and effective. [*] Improved collisions for many destructible props - a lot fewer props now block player movement and projectiles. [*] Fixed destruction levels for Attack Drone Towers, Heavy Artillery, and Magnetic Stabilizers. [*] Tweaked Corrosive Gun projectile lights to be smaller and less performance-hungry. [*] Added auto-fire to Grenade Launcher and Floating Mines. [*] Fixed some errors in Korean and Japanese localizations. [*] 'Steel' will no longer appear in announcement voice lines. [*] Added 'debug_player_inventory command to debug inventory problems in real-time. [*] Inputs in the Inventory screen will no longer be blocked when the player has the map open and the 'cheat_minimap_teleport_on_click' command is enabled. [*] 'cheat_minimap_teleport_on_click' now works with the minimap, too. [*] The building destruction system has been moved from Lua script to C++. [*] Additional developer logs have been added to state transitions requested by ControllerState to track and find the Exor::[World]::FindSystem crash. [*] Energy lines will now connect to buildings even if they are built in an invalid spot (edge case) [/list] Wishing you a wonderful weekend, EXOR Studios