[h2]Hello everyone! Long time no see![/h2] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/mHaQ7laJMKv6SItazc/giphy.gif[/img] With the holiday season finished we are officially back to work in (almost) full force. As we continue our work towards the next item on our roadmap - world expansion number one - we are going to present you with regular updates and ask for your feedback along the way! We can’t overstate how big of a role you - our community - have played over the course of The Riftbreaker’s development. Thousands of hours put into the Prologue and Closed Beta, pages upon pages of Discord messages, and all the reports that you have sent our way through all the other channels have shaped the way the game is like today. We would love to continue that and is there a better time to do so than right now?! Obviously not! The first Riftbreaker world expansion is going to bring a lot of new and exciting content for you, including new locations, enemies, weather events, and, naturally, weapons! We know you have lots of great ideas for new tools of destruction so let’s have a little competition. Here’s the contest question: [h2]What kind of weapon would you like us to add to The Riftbreaker arsenal?[/h2] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1rGFu6K29r8eCzcm1x/giphy.gif[/img] [b]To take part in the competition visit our Discord server (www.discord.gg/exorstudios) and give us your answer in the #weapon-contest channel, following this example:[/b] Name: The Megasizzler 5000 Damage Type: Energy Attack: Shoots a continuous energy beam that spreads to other enemies and sets them on fire. Fire Type: If your dream gun has two attack modes, describe both of them! Does it fire single shots? Can you charge it? Or does it fire a continuous beam as long as you have the ammo? Let us know! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/lgPK3srsvmvbw2LhEw/giphy.gif[/img] You have the time to post your ideas until Friday. We are going to check them all out and shortlist 5 candidates. Then, we will hold a public vote on Discord, during which you are going to decide which gun makes it into the game. Naturally, we can’t promise that the winning idea will appear in The Riftbreaker in an unchanged form, but we will do our best. Needless to say, that won’t be the only new toy added to Mr. Riggs’ arsenal. We have some crazy ideas brewing that might open even more design space later on, so who knows - we might even run another competition like this in the future. Looking forward to reading all your ideas! EXOR Studios