[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FlusteredTediousCrocodile-size_restricted.gif[/img] [quote][i]The mission destination should be scanned by qualified staff before attempting a Rift jump. Apart from measuring the contents of the atmosphere and surface temperature, it is of utmost importance to gain knowledge about the planet’s rotation. Determining the length of the day cycle will provide the Riftbreaker invaluable information as to whether or not they will have the time to set up a field base before dark. This is especially significant on inhabited planets, as nocturnal creatures often display aggressive traits. If one of the Riftbreakers finds themselves stranded in the dark, seek immediate shelter. The Mecha-suit’s lights may attract unwanted attention.[/i] The Riftbreakers' Handbook, vol. 6[/quote] One of the features of our new Schmetterling 2.0 game engine is the day and night cycle. It is an upgrade we are very excited about, as it gives us more tools to build the game’s atmosphere and mechanics. We want the nights on Galatea 37 to be truly intense, with lights reflecting from animals’ eyes in the dark and unidentified sounds in the distance, making you want to curl up in your base and go out only when necessary. Such a cycle will also allow us to bring the whole world to life - some creatures will be impossible to find during the day, while others will hide during the night. Also, don’t forget that solar panels will not work during the night! Be ready, the night is dark and full of terrors! Oh, and here is the hi-res version of the GIF: https://gfycat.com/pl/flusteredtediouscrocodile EXOR Studios