[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PoorBleakBilby-size_restricted.gif[/img] Hi-res: https://gfycat.com/pl/poorbleakbilby The players operate Mr. Riggs’ movement in classic twin-stick fashion. If you use a gamepad, the left and right stick will control walking in a given direction and turning the body, respectively. If you don’t use a gamepad, keyboard moves the character and the mouse aims. There are no artificial constraints to your movements, and you can run around pretty much anywhere you like. Moving in combat, however, is quite tricky. That is why we give you a tool to help get around more quickly and to further increase your freedom. The Mecha-Suit is able to dash in any direction almost instantly. It is considered as a reusable skill, meaning the number of uses is unlimited, but there is a short cooldown for this ability. The dash can either help you get to a group of enemies quickly so that you can dispose of them with your melee weapons, or jump away to safety. Additionally, you can utilize your melee attacks in conjunction with the dash. Some of the smaller creatures will not be able to withstand such a devastating attack. Some players do not like it when the controls are being taken away from them, even if it’s for the duration of a special move. In order to meet their expectations, you are still able to control Mr. Riggs to a slightly limited extent during the dash. If you carry out a melee attack during flight, you can not only slice and dice through your enemies, but also change your direction. This way you can still find your way around the battlefield, even in the toughest scenarios. The main mode of getting around the map and your base quickly are the rift jumps, but sometimes the danger will come from an unexpected side. A quick set of dashes will help you get there and get the situation under control. It is another tool in Mr. Riggs’ arsenal that we expect should come in handy more often than you think. We can’t wait to let you try it out. Oh, and you can also see an early version of our loot system in action on the video. It’s still work in progress, so let’s just pretend it’s not there ;) Until the next time, EXOR Studios www.discord.gg/exorstudios www.facebook.com/exorstudios www.twitter.com/exorstudios www.twitch.tv/exorstudios www.mixer.com/exor_studios