[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] Another day, another portion of updates to the Multiplayer Beta. We will send out more keys on Monday. Stay tuned! [h3]The Riftbreaker Closed Co-Op Beta, September 27th, EXE: 9522 DATA:59 Changelog:[/h3] [h4]Gameplay Changes and Additions[/h4] [list] [*] The Magma Biome is now a part of the Coop Playtest. It's a much more challenging area than the Tropical Zone, so tread carefully. We'd love to hear your feedback in regards to difficulty balancing boss skills in this biome and any bugsthatt you might encounter along the way. [*] Added phirian attack to magma survival [*] Added elemental version of Phirian boss entities with attacks and skills (effects skins and meshes still missing) [*] Reworked Mech deactivation and activation sequence with improved effects and sounds. This is still work in progress, but feedback is very welcome. [*] Improved canoptrix, granan, morirot and mushbit nest spawn rules [*] Added new voice lines to the multiple canoptrix nests objective [*] Creeper: separate, much more agressive creeper for survival objective (probably too agressive) [*] Fireflies event - triggers solar panels(15% power), brighter light and fireflies, weak wind has been removed from this event [*] The sound of a Bioanomaly being opened should be heard by all players in the game [*] Changed effects for multiplayer boost [*] Changed enemy health modifiers per player above 1 in Coop to: [list] [*] normal 0.15 [*] hard 0.3 [*] brutal 0.4 [/list] [/list] [h4]Multiplayer Server and UI improvements[/h4] [list] [*] Added a debug pause server option - debug_pause_server 0/1 [*] The game server will now pause gameplay when there are no players present on the server [*] Multiplayer_game.gui: add option to disallow 'Streaming integration` [*] Multiplayer_server_list.gui: add `time_elapsed` column [*] Multiplayer_server_list.gui: show difficulty column [*] Added server password option [*] Updated color and outline of loading bar [*] Fixed loading bar height [*] EquipmentSlots: added shared icon [*] EquipmentSlotScreen: fixed sharing mods [*] Fix ammo display icons for towers [*] Tower water big: fixed missing ammo icon [/list] [h4]GENERERAL FIXES[/h4] [list] [*] Dead creatures should no longer play the death animation when appearing for the first time on screen [*] Teleport: reset cooldown if teleport doesnt work [*] HudVote: fixed removing label (removed spam in log) [*] Items: fixed lifetime on powerfists [*] AnnouncementSystem: reduce timeout for mech announcements [*] Fixed Nerilians coming out of the ground when they were seen for the first time [*] Geoscanner sounds should play correctly in multiplayer [*] Fixed global resource storage in outpost building [*] D-pad gamepad shortcuts for build mode options won't change weapon slots when in build mode [*] Fixed muzzle particles in mortars [/list] EXOR Studios