[h1]Hello Riftbreakers![/h1] Thank you for your patience and all the testing sessions that you have conducted over the course of our break! We have cooked a new build up for you, introducing some much-needed fixes and changes. We're already working on the next one - we have a couple of cool tricks up our sleeves so stay tuned! [b]We will send out a new batch of beta keys tomorrow. Please make sure to sign up here: [/b] [h1][url=https://forms.gle/wdFeVGGHE1rwAdvx8]SIGN UP USING THIS GOOGLE FORM[/url][/h1] [h3]The Riftbreaker Multiplayer Closed Beta, September 18th, 2024. DATA: 49 EXE: 9463 Changelog:[/h3] [list] [*] We reworked the game's behavior after the player's mech is destroyed. This is the biggest change in this build. Your feedback on this is very welcome. [list] [*] When a player's HP drops to zero, and there are no other mechs taking part in the game, the character blows up and is respawned in the HQ, just as usual. [*] When a player's HP drops to zero, and there are other mechs present, the mech enters a 'disabled' state. The mech can spend up to 30 seconds in that state. [*] During the 30-second countdown, other players can walk up to the downed mech and 'resurrect' it by pressing interact. The resurrection is almost instant. [*] After resurrecting a player, both mechs receive a "Revive Boost" - temporary double damage, health regen (up to 50% HP, more or less), and invulnerability for 5 seconds. These values are subject to change. [*] The player can opt out of waiting to be resurrected. They can press and hold the spacebar to speed up the 30-second timer. After the timer expires, the mech blows up and resurrects at the HQ. [*] If a player is resurrected from the downed state, they don't lose any weapons. [*] If a player is not resurrected in time, they will drop one equipped weapon. [*] The dropped weapon is visible to all players, but can only be picked up by the player who lost it. The weapon is automatically re-equipped upon pickup. [*] In downed state, players can enter all menu screens, except the inventory screen. [*] When your mech is down, you can spectate any other players taking part in your session. [*] The downed mech is marked on the minimap and players can teleport to it at any time. [*] These changes have been introduced to discourage the self-sacrifice strat of dealing with bosses and to increase the amount of player interaction during gameplay. This mechanic needs more work and careful consideration. Try playing around with it and see how you like it. We are open to making any necessary changes to make it feel good and natural. [/list] [*] Players can now heal each other. Walk up to another player's avatar, press and hold the 'interact' button, and wait. The healing rate is 30HP per seconds at the moment, and it is possible to overcharge the player beyon their current max health. [*] Added overcharged health and shields icons to let players know they are above the maximum values. [*] Naturally occurring creatures on the map will now respawn faster after being killed. the respawn speed is increased with the number of players on the server. [*] Added a loading progress bar with descriptions of loading stages. Thanks to this it will be easier for us to identify any errors during loading. For multiplayer mode, the progress bar is replaced with a 'spinning' bar, letting you know that an operation is in progress. [*] The localization of the proximity boost has been changed from "Apes together strong" to "Team Boost". Riot in the comments. [*] Tweaked the "Team Boost" activation parameters. The players still have to be close to each other to start charging the boost, but can now move away from each other significantly further before the connection is broken. We also added a cooldown display. [*] Added support for enemy damage scaling. It is currently disabled for all difficulty levels, but if you fancy a bigger challenge, you can increase the enemy damage by X percent per player using the 'enemy_damage_factor_per_player x" modifier when starting a new server. [*] The first wave on all difficulty levels will not be accompanied by a boss creature to give players more time to build up defenses. [*] Tweaked the Hammerocerros boss and Krocoon boss units to make them more effective in combat. [*] Added a new boss skill - damage wave. After a melee attack, a small directional shockwave appears, dealing damage to everything in a small arc. [*] Your Steam avatar should now appear next to your nickname in the main menu screen. [*] Changed the disconnect message from "You have been kicked from the server" to "The server has been shut down". [*] Optimized the number of entities that liquid resource volumes generated, reducing their impact on system memory. [*] Solved multiple issues with the engine's way of handling OGG Vorbis audio files. [*] Renamed 'cheat_{win,lose}_game` to `debug_{win,lose,end}_game` and moved it to debug.lua. [*] Fixed an error that could occur when restarting a server. [*] Fixed the starting position of the cursor when entering the build mode. It will no longer jump to the upper left corner of the screen when entering the build mode for the first time, which was especially painful when using a gamepad. [*] Fixed a crash that could happen when players were browsing their inventory. [*] Fixed a problem that caused the depleted shield bar to never disappear from above the player's avatar. [*] Fixed a problem that prevented the "Don't show again" checkbox in the maim menu intro pop-up message to not work properly. [*] Fixed a crash in the BuildingService system. [*] Fixed a crash in gather_resource.lua function. [*] Fixed an error that prevented users from switching the menu screens using the right and left shoulder buttons on gamepads. [*] Fixed a crash that could occur in the menus due to custom action mappers. [*] Fixed a crash in GUI that occurred when interacting with tooltips and slider/scroll by pointer mouse drag. [*] Fixed an issue that could cause the player to spawn in without equipment, [*] We have introduced a ton of memory usage optimizations in the game, which should result in quicker loading times, shorter saving slowdowns and general improvements in performance. [*] We have also fixed a ton of smaller issues with the game's network code, which should result in greater connection stability. [/list] EXOR Studios