Hello Riftbreakers! Being close to our community has always been our focus while developing The Riftbreaker. We have run multiple Betas, surveys, competitions and read all the feedback you have been giving us since the announcement of the game back in 2019. We feel that we have developed a very special bond with you over these years. Our connection has made this game truly special. To celebrate our shared passion for The Riftbreaker we have prepared a special surprise for you. To make you feel like you’re in the studio together with us, we made the decision to replace all voiceover lines recorded by the voice actors with the lines recorded by our community manager, voidreaver. Here’s a teaser of what that’s going to be like: [previewyoutube=VKA275rtMYA;full][/previewyoutube] By doing so we hope to make you feel like you are a part of our team. Most of the time, game developers hide behind their studio name or appear only in the credits. We want to break that wall down. Our aim is to show you that The Riftbreaker is a game made by real people, not an abstract entity called EXOR; that it’s a game developed by you and us both. We know it is a controversial decision. We have really enjoyed our time working with Francesca and Ryan, the actors voicing our main characters. We are very grateful for their time and effort, especially for working from home during the difficult period of 2020 and 2021. We believe it would be wrong to take work away from them, so they will still record new lines for Ashley and Mr. Riggs for future content expansions. However, instead of putting them in the main game release, we will just use them as guidelines for void to record his own takes. Ever since we made this decision void has been really excited about this new opportunity and he is determined to do the best job he can. He even intends to record all the voice lines in the game in all of our supported languages. Void has already started a couple of intense language courses to convincingly portray our characters in languages other than Polish and English. The learning process might take some time and we will not be able to release all versions simultaneously. However, we expect to have all the voiceovers ready by the end of 2032. This change is not optional. Void is a really sensitive person and it would hurt him a lot if any of you decided not to use his version of The Riftbreaker voiceover. We also kindly ask you to refrain from posting any critical comments regarding his acting skills. If you need to let us know about something, please do so privately. We will relay the news to void in a controlled environment to avoid any accidents. Enjoy the update! EXOR Studios