Hello Terraformers! [h2]The "Space Trading" Update is now available for everyone![/h2] The terraformation of your planet will go even further with the [b]introduction of frogs[/b] that you'll be able to breed in the incubator or find in the wild! You will be able to send new rockets in space to gain Terra Tokens that will allow you to unlock new blueprints for [b]new decorations[/b], a [b]cooking station[/b], [b]T2 Drones[/b], [b]new habitats[/b], and more! [b]Are you ready to push your exploration further with the new biome[/b] ? Get ready to dive deep and discover the secrets hidden deep underwater. [b]Check out the trailer:[/b] [previewyoutube=zBmMPDMhHW4;full][/previewyoutube] Your save files will transfer seamlessly to the update. But if you want to try a fresh adventure, [b]feel free to create a new game [/b] to fully experience this update! We took the time to read your feedbacks and implemented a lot of changes based on it to improve your overall experience with the game. [b]By popular demand, drones can now harvest algae and vegetables[/b], just set up a "demand" inventory for those items, and drones will get to work. Amélie & I really hope you will like this update, and that the work we put into it during the last months will pay out! Thanks once again to everyone supporting us, giving feedback, reviewing the game, and sending us good vibes! Happy terraforming! [i]If your game is not up to date, restart Steam to download the latest version (v0.8.008)[/i] [i]If you have any troubles or bugs, update or disable any mods in use[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/9f689478acffc649ed61cf49e8d5780eaf3173be.png[/img] [h2]Full Changelog - v0.8.008 - "Space Trading" Update [/h2] [b]New space trading system : [/b] [list] [*] You will receive the trading rocket recipe by mail after you reached the breathable stage [*] The new space trading platform allows to send a rocket containing items to be sold in space [*] After a certain time, the rocket will come back, giving the player an ammount of "Terra Tokens" corresponding to the rocket content price [*] Once the player have enough tokens, he or she can buy items that will be added in the returning rocket content on the next trip [*] In order to gain tokens easily, the player can use drones to fill the rockets and set it up to automatically launch once full [/list] [b]New terraformation stage amphibians : [/b] [list] [*] Frogs apprears in the wild when amphibian stage is reached [*] Other frog eggs can be modified in incubator once unlocked [/list] [b]Community feedbacks based improvements :[/b] [list] [*] Drones can now collect algaes, vegetables, wheat, cocoa (just set a "demand" for those items, no need to "supply" them) [*] The destructor can be set up to automatically destroy it's content once full [*] Beacons can now have labels [*] Silk worm and bee larvae doesn't share the same recipe anymore (no more RNG) [*] 2 new 3x3 habitat modules (unlock via space trading) [*] A new, way bigger container (unlock via space trading) [*] Foundations and stairs now snap to the launch platform [*] The cooking station is back [*] New optimisation techniques to improve FPS [/list] [b]Changes :[/b] [list] [*] New biome : "Cenote" (access is at the top of the meteor crater) [*] A big change appears in the world once amphibians stage is reached (can you find it ?) [*] One new meteo event [*] 6 new Achievements [*] Some food items now give a temporary bonus [/list] [b]New Items : [/b] [list] [*] Space trading rocket [*] Multiple frog eggs to find or craft [*] Mutagen T4 [*] Terra Tokens chips [*] Amphibian farm [*] New cooking recipes : Fish stew, baked beans, cookies, cake, croissant [/list] [b]New Items to buy or unlock via the space trading rockets : [/b] [list] [*] 3x3 pod habitat [*] 3x3 pod habitat with dome [*] Storage container with 80 slots [*] Drone T2 [*] Cooking station [*] One new butterfly species [*] One new fish species [*] Colored Fabric [*] Colored sofa [*] Colored double bed [*] Cacao and wheet seeds [/list] [b]Performances : [/b] [list] [*] Flatten game object hierarchy to improve performances globally [*] Disable map camera by Default [*] Improve autocrafters performances [*] Some small improvements here & there [/list] [b]Balancing : [/b] [list] [*] Algae can only be harvested when reaching 50% growth or more [*] Mutagen 3 unlock after fish stage [*] Reduce requirements for some items [/list] [h2]Stay in the loop[/h2] As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games : [list] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/MijuGames][b]Follow us on Steam[/b][/url] [*] [url=https://mijugames.com/pages/planetcrafter/subscribe.html][b]Subscribe to our newsletter[/b][/url] [*] [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/MijuGamesStudio]follow us on youtube[/url] and on [url=https://twitter.com/MijuGames]twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/theplanetcrafter/]Join the official reddit[/url] [/list] [b]See you soon, and good terraforming! [/b] Amélie for Miju Games https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The_Planet_Crafter/