Hello friends! In the next hours, I'll send to all of our subscribers a new build of the beta, so be sure to [url=https://mijugames.com/pages/planetcrafter/subscribe.html]join the newsletter to receive it[/url] too! The new version is packed with new content : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/4ad0a9a51442c9e393696610d5d514ffd408e863.png[/img] Remember to follow us on [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-v2qPtqeCnW3hDV5brUBUw]youtube[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/MijuGames]twitter [/url]to participate in events and get exclusive infos! And feel free to [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1284190/discussions/0/5805689546851689878/] share your base with the community[/url] ! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/d40d1c1dae7443f4a47be17fc36f07edc8bae52d.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/d9d6374909e44647fae86ea451640fe0e1cefdbd.png[/img] Here's the full changelog: V 0.3.003 - Space Rockets update Major Changes : - New biome : Canyons - Space rockets can be sent in space adding GLOBAL multipliers to units generation - Seeds now have different "production bonus" that will increase the generation of the vegetube they're placed in - 4 new meteo events with associate ambiance sounds. Better meteo system - The starting location will now vary on each new game - "Spikes biome" has been improved - Inventories can contains constructibles item that can be built. New features : - New alert (visual + audio) when unlocking an object - Each seed type now gives a different 0² generation bonus - UI : units generation and consumptions are now displayed on objects - Golden crates are hidden in the world and contains rare items (7 crates for this version) New Objects : - Launch Platform & space rockets - Small nuclear reactor - Locker Storage - 3 new seeds - 1 Golden Effigie (findable in golden crates) Bug fix : - Iridium rod correctly cost 9 Iridium ore - Heaters in wrecks are no more counted as if they were constructed by the player - Bug fix where dust/fog was entering inside the base - Fix Collisions on biodome ceilling - You cannot restore 0² under water in living spaces anymore - Items dropped in wrecks should not disappear anymore - Close all UI when dying - No more footsteps sounds under water - No more hard limits to world units (Ti, heat, oxygen, pressure, energy) - Screen now correctly display the units label when there is a "μ" in it Minor changes : - 0² capsule now require two cobalt instead of iron + cobalt - Deconstruct microchip is craftable in the CraftStation T1 again - Living pods & biodome glasses are more transparent - Small increase of Drill T1, Heater T2, Backpack unlock levels. - More text available on containers - When writing a text on a object, pressing "enter" close the dialog window - Constructing panels inside is brought back (for now) - UI : informations & alerts are easier to read - UI : If a crate have a text associated, the text is place next to "open" action - UI : Object name with the "open" action - Screens & Craftstations now consume energy - Minor changes in ships interior - Improved seeds visuals