Hello Terraformers! [h2]The "Fish & Drones" Update is now available for everyone![/h2] The terraformation of your planet will go even further with the [b]introduction of fish [/b] that you'll be able to breed in the incubator or find in the wild! Did you like the autocrafter of the previous update? You will love the new [b]drones and logistics[/b] that will allow you to transfer items from inventories across the map easily, allowing you to automate everything! With this new logistics system, the ore extractor t3 lost the need be able to mine anything anywhere. So [b]all the newly placed ore extractor t3 will now extract ore depending on their positioning[/b] (same as t1 & t2). Your old extractors t3 will keep digging what they were digging, but we recommend to reset your old extractors to fully enjoy the new drones. We took a bit more time to fix bugs, so we are delivering this update one day after schedule, but we think it was for the best. [b]Check out the trailer:[/b] [previewyoutube=A4zwemH_P2Q;full][/previewyoutube] Your save files will transfer seamlessly to the update. But if you want to try a fresh adventure, [b]feel free to create a new game [/b] to fully experience this update! The goal of this update is giving more toys to play to people who want to spend hours into the game, while at the same time, making sure the new fish terraformation stage does not require heavy machinery, and shouldn't be too hard to achieve, as we want to avoid grind for the more casual players. Balancing the experience of a game with so much things to unlock and progression is difficult, and we try our best to keep the experience enjoyable trough the terraformation process, for new players and old ones. Amélie & I really hope you will like this update, and that the work we put into it during the last months will pay out! Thanks once again to everyone supporting us, giving feedback, reviewing the game, and sending us good vibes! Happy terraforming! [i]If your game is not up to date, restart Steam to download the latest version (v0.7.007)[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/0d18a67e5a4b21a357dad1f985c4f30f749ed63f.png[/img] [h2]Full Changelog - v0.7.007 - "Fish & drones" Update [/h2] [b]Major changes :[/b] [list] [*] Newly placed ore extractors t3 will be dependent on the positionning (same as t1 & t2) [*] Deconstruct chip t2 allows to deconstruct servers in crashed ships to get circuit boards [*] 3 new achievements [*] Waterfall sector has been reworked and improved, adding a new crash ship [*] New Fusion Generator in the crashed ship in desert allowing to access new rooms with good loot [/list] [b]New Logistic system :[/b] [list] [*] Build a drone station to activate the new logistic system [*] All inventories (except your inventory & equipement) will have a new icon (a cog with arrows) allowing you to set up orders [*] Each inventory can demand and supply Objects [*] Once you built drones, each drone will try to move objects between the supply and demand inventories [*] You need circuit board to build drones, deconstruct servers in crashed ship to get some [/list] [b]New objects : [/b] [list] [*] 11 New Species of fish to incubate [*] Water life collector [*] Aquarium t1-t2 [*] Fish farm t1 [*] Drone station [*] Drone t1 [*] Mutagen t3 [*] Gas extractor t2 [*] Circuit board [*] Phytoplankton t1-t2-t3 [*] Nitrogen cartdrige [*] Golden effigie 6 [*] Deconstruct chip t2 - Unlockable via blueprints [*] Rocket map t4 - Unlockable via blueprints [*] Drone visibility rocket - Unlockable via blueprints [*] Seed lirma becomes craftable if a certain animals level is reached [*] Common larvae becomes craftable if a certain animals level is reached [/list] [b]Bug fix :[/b] [list] [*] Fix grabbing item in shallow water bug (Finally, thanks everyone for your patience! :) [*] Can't breathe under water anymore [*] Fix bug where a player death crate would spawn under the map [*] Fix a bug where incubator would sometimes fail to select a recipe [*] Can't fly trough ceiling of biodome2 / butterfly dome [*] Fix bug where a player could access a 'lost' hidden place trough the wrong way [*] Player should not fall below the map when loading from inside a wreck [/list] [b]Performances : [/b] [list] [*] Periodically hide small screens, lights, and some trigger boxes when far away [*] Improve render performances of drills T4/T5 [*] Improve render performances of ore extractor T3 [*] Improve performances for achievements detection [*] Hide maps icons if map is not open [*] Avoid detection of object is under water if not necessary [*] Reduce max particles on some objects [*] Improve achievements detection [*] Somes more improvements here & there [*] Feel free to report any changes you experienced about the game performances [/list] [b]Balancing :[/b] [list] [*] Increase number of algae spawned by algae spreader t2 [*] Reduce the range of the algaes that spawn to improve usage autocrafter with algae spreaders [*] Reduce butterly farm t2 insects production [*] Reduce beehive t2 plants production [*] Increase tree spreader t2 plants production [*] Increase gas extractor inventory size (only on newly built) [*] Reduce Fusion Energy Cell terraformation requirements [*] Reduce Breathable stage requierments [*] Reduce ore extractor t3 pressure requirements [*] Increase production of ore extraction t3 (every 80 seconds -> every 75 seconds) [*] New loot for containers for Fish stage [*] Change requirements for some Items [/list] [b]UI :[/b] [list] [*] Incubator now automatically starts recipe if ingredients are correct [*] Add a biomass category in the construction menu [*] Change the order of some machines in the construction menu [*] Change the order of some objects in craft menus [/list] [b]Technical : [/b] [list] [*] Merge MijuTools library with project [/list] [h2]Stay in the loop[/h2] As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games : [list] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/MijuGames][b]Follow us on Steam[/b][/url] [*] [url=https://mijugames.com/pages/planetcrafter/subscribe.html][b]Subscribe to our newsletter[/b][/url] [*] [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/MijuGamesStudio]follow us on youtube[/url] and on [url=https://twitter.com/MijuGames]twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/theplanetcrafter/]Join the official reddit[/url] [/list] [b]See you soon, and good terraforming! [/b] Amélie for Miju Games https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The_Planet_Crafter/