Hello Team! The [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1830840/The_Planet_Crafter_Prologue/]Prologue is now available[/url], containing the "Caves & Biology" Update! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/a1d79abe922013f150c0e12781a1da7c3ca45000.png[/img] Here's how to try the new update : [list] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1830840/The_Planet_Crafter_Prologue/]Download the new Planet Crafter Prologue[/url] [*] Go in your Steam library [*] Select Planet Crafter Prologue [*] Right click, select "properties" [*] In "betas", Select the Development Branch [*] The game should download & update, your are ready to play! [/list] Full ChangeLog : V 0.3.010 - Biology update Major Changes : [list] [*] - New biome : Sulfuric valley [*] - New biome : Sandfalls [*] - New biome : Osmium caves x 4 [*] - New "Biomass" world unit [*] - Biodome screen displays "Biomass" blueprints [*] - Ices deposit on surface disappears when liquid water stage is reached [*] - Some areas are resticted by ice that will melt when a certain heat level is reached [*] - Clouds appears when the correct terraformation level is reached [*] - New Tutorial system [*] - One new gold chest is hidden in the new biomes [*] - New langage option : Russian / Simplified Chinese / French [*] - A new golden container to find : (8 Total) [/list] New Objects : [list] [*] - Bio Lab [*] - Biodome T2 [*] - Air Water collector [*] - Lake Water collector [*] - Algae grower T1 [*] - Algae grower T2 [*] - Bacteria sample [*] - Fertilizer [*] - Bio plastic [*] - Water Filter : Allows To drink directly from lakes [*] - Ore extractor : Extract ores from the ground [*] - Ore : Osmium [*] - Ore : Sulfur [*] - New golden effigie [*] - Nuclear reactor t2 [*] - Microchip : Compass (was not in 0.3.009) [/list] Minor changes : [list] [*] - Lockers now have 35 inventory space (previously 30) [*] - T3 Drills are bigger (can affect save files) [*] - Improved Blueprints UI [*] - Added small rocks on the ground on some biomes [*] - Added dust FX in the starting biome [*] - UI : Improve scroll in the construction menu [*] - Fix small calculations mistakes in global modifiers [*] - Increase rain particle collision to avoid rain in interiors [*] - Options menu on the title screen [/list] Bug fixes : [list] [*] - When harvesting a vegetable, if inventory is full, drop seed on floor instead of destroying it [*] - Golden effigie cannot be multiplied when constructing it from a container [*] - Fixed a bug where antenna was not necessary to view messages [*] [/list] Technical : [list] [*] - Removed Static Batching [*] - Reduced background mountains poly count [*] - Reduced global poly count [/list]