Hello Team! I have big news, so please read carefully : This week-end, there's gonna be some changes about how you can access Planet Crafter versions. [b]There is now 2 Steam pages for Planet Crafter: [/b] - "Planet Crafter". This is the page for the full game, and it will only have the final build on it. It means [u][b][i]I will remove the demo versions from this page[/i][/b][/u]. - "Planet Crafter: Prologue". It will contains 2 branches: [list] [*] The main branch, will contains the "prologue", a version locked at 200kTi max, for people who just want to discover the game. [*] The "development" branch, where everything is unlocked. For people who want to try everything available. [u][b][i]This will contains the december update : "Caves & Biology Update"![/i][/b][/u] [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39373700/7d2cb564172cc2f681a34083ce964ddd8659f5b7.jpg[/img] [b]Why am I doing this ?[/b] - Prologues are a good way to reach new audience on Steam, and let people discover the beginning of the game. - This is going to be easier for the community to get the new versions. From now on, this is gonna be the only place with all new versions. [b]This change will happen on december 19th[/b] I'll make another post to show what's new in the "Caves & Biology Update" I know this is a bit complicated and can be frustrating, but I'm doing my best to give you the last updates while promoting the game at the same time. If you played the demo, your save files should be automaticly carried over the prologue. Let me know if you have any question.