[h2]The Darkside Detective - Bug Fix Update v2.66.1626.10816 [/h2] [list] [*] The Case Files will flickering any time you enter the Main Menu [*] PlayStation Controllers Set up having some of the wrong button images on PC Platforms [*] Press to Start Screen not detecting PlayStation Controllers until after input on PC Platforms [*] Click to Start Menu Issue using controllers [*] The D-Pad occasionally not working in the Main Menus [*] Case 7: Santa's Coat having no Hotspot Text in most languages [*] Case 9: A Save/Load or Leaving/Re-Entering the Screen causing the Vent Hotspot to layer over the Rat Hotspot [*] PS5 Controller not working on most PC Platforms [*] Case 4: The Gremlin appearing for a brief second on entering the Evidence Room after already being collected [*] PS4 Controller Image showing when using a PS5 Controller on PC Platforms [*] Police Car and Loading Screen Text missing on Loading Screens [*] The Screen getting really dark when opening the Quit Game Menu from the Main Menu [/list]