Wait… Did you hear that? That slimey slurrpy sound. Something has oozed out from a portal left ajar, a strange and unholy thing: [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25505486/43a9291236a9919fcb81e576d14581805f843590.png[/img] That’s right, we want to bring you more Darkside Detective - a whole new season in fact! Right now, right this very second, season 2 is over on kickstarter waiting for your support. So, [url=http://darksidedetective.com/kickstarter/] head on over to the kickstarter page[/url], help us reach our goal and pick up some fun merch along the way. And, if you want to spread the word on social media, we won’t try to stop you. Heck, open your window, scream it into the dark starry void and see it anything eldritch wants to chip in. We’ll take all the support we can get. Stay humanoid, friends. Spooky Doorway