Hello again, Detectives! It's finally here! You can play [b]The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark[/b] right here, right now. Picking up after the events of the first game's final case, A Fumble in the Dark answers all the important questions that have been on all of our minds! [list] [*]What's McQueen been doing since Dooley's gone? [*]What's Dooley's grandma like? [*]How on Earth is there a castle full of Dooleys in Ireland? [*]What clown would think it's cool to name himself after a viral rash? [*]If Dooley was a luchador, what might that luchador be like? [*]What were Dooley and McQueen like in high school? [/list] If any of these questions haven't been on your minds, well, the game's still fun. Featuring six new cases, a brand new soundtrack [url=https://materia.to/ddfitdID](that's also for sale)[/url] and all the pointing and clicking that your index finger can tolerate. [previewyoutube=iJQTMFAW0tQ;full][/previewyoutube] If you wanna keep up with all things Darkside Detective, do these things: [list] [*][url=https://twitter.com/ds_detective]Follow us on Twitter![/url] [*][url=https://instagram.com/akuparagames]Follow us on Instagram![/url] [*][url=https://facebook.com/akuparagames]Follow us on Facebook![/url] [*][url=spookydoorwaygames]Join the Discord![/url] [/list]