Hey detectives, We have released a patch for Darkside Detective that fixed issues with older save files not being compatible with current DSD1 Builds, fixed issues where saving during a case causes the player to load into an infinite loop, and more. You can read the full patch notes below. [h2]Patch Notes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed issue with older save files not being compatible with current DSD1 Builds [*] Fixed the very slow cursor speed in Cases 6 and 7 [*] Fixed some hotspot errors in Chinese localisation [*] Fixed Unity splash screen showing at the start [*] Fixed issue where saving during a case causes the player to load into an infinite loop. [*] Fixed issues with being able to interact with minigames and hotspots while the game is paused [*] Fixed issues where save/loading would cause items to disappear/reappear incorrectly [*] Fixed various visual and audio glitches on save/loads [*] Fixed the strange behaviour on the How To Play Menu after completing Case 9 [*] Fixed various hotspot inconsistencies and placements [*] Improvements and minor bug fixes to the menus [*] Fixed issue where resetting the game caused the Power Button to show up in the Main Menu on Consoles [*] General optimisation and improvements to load times [*] Minor bug fixes [/list] - Riv Otter