Fixed the following bugs: [list] [*] Black screen on Baits Motel [*] No Transition In Between Screens [*] if you give emily the milk out of order, the candy shop is closed and you cannot add floss to fountain, breaking case [*] Dialogue not refreshing correctly [*] Achievements not triggering reliably [*] load music carries into cases [*] Tape hotspot on table in cave in Loch Mess remains after picking up tape [*] Unity splash screen at the start [*] Case summary for Tomb Alone is cut short [*] Resizing issues going in and out of Windowed Mode [*] Issue clicking through Item dialogue while your Cursor is still on the Item [*] Various visual and SFX glitches being caused by Save/Load [*] You can interact with the Case 1 Minigame when Paused [*] You can't click on McQueen for their usual dialogue when in the Shooting Range Screen [*] You can interact with the Minigame when clicking through dialogue in the Case 4 Water Pipe Minigame [*] You can interact with the final Minigame (Tinfoil Hat) of Case 5 while Paused [*] You can interact with the Minigame when clicking through dialogue in the Case 5 Computer Minigame [*] There are 2 Screens McQueen will still have Shoes on after the point he takes them off [*] You can't click on McQueen for his usual dialogue when in the Spooky Doorway Screen in Case 8 [*] Can't click on McQueen for dialogue on one of the Screens in Case 2 [*] The End of Case Music doesn't loop in Case 3 [*] McQueen's Head does some weird quick movement in Case 4 [*] The Corridor Hotspot in Holding Cell One not low enough in Case 4 [*] You can interact with the Wire Minigame while the Game is Paused at the Carpark Screen in Case 4 [*] Issue when holding down the Mouse to light up all the Arrows at once on the Computer Minigame in Case 5 [*] SFX Issue after making the Tinfoil Hat in Case 5 [*] Layering issue with the Lockpick Minigame in Case 6 [*] You can't click on McQueen when looking in the Dumpster in Case 6 [*] McQueen's Hotspot doesn't adjust when he is using the Stilts in Case 6 [*] You can't click on McQueen on any of the outside Graveyard Screens when he is disguised as a Zombie [*] There is no Notebook on the Screen during the Final Minigame of Case 6 [*] You can sometimes get 2 Glyphs to go onto the same section of the Life Ring on the Final Minigame of Case 6 [*] Using the Mouse to control the Zombie Munch Arcade Game in Case 7 can feel really bad and unresponsive a lot of the time. [*] The Zombie Munch Results Screen can get in the way of the Notebook in Case 7 [*] Faith Invaders issue in Case 7 [*] Cursor will stay Greyed out if you Pause during the Faith Invaders and Zombie Munch Arcade Games in Case 7 [*] You can interact with the Faith Invaders and Zombie Munch Arcade Games in Case 7 when Paused [*] Another small issue with the Faith Invaders Arcade Game [*] 2 small issues with the Jump Rope in the Toy Store Screen in Case 7 [*] One of the Vent Hotspots takes you to the wrong part of the Vent in Case 7 [*] The Loading Screen doesn't resize to Windowed mode like everything else does [*] Another issue with not hearing the traffic SFX on the Carpark Screen in Case 7 [*] Issue if you Quit Game while in the Space Cutscene in Case 9 [*] The Cursor disappears for a second or two when clicking on the Used Circuit Breaker in Case 9 [*] Strange behaviour on the How To Play Menu after completing Case 9 [*] Shooting Range Gremlin Gunfire Audio kept looping even when they weren't shooting and even when they were knocked out [*] The "White Board" Hotspot should be "Whiteboard" on the first Screen of Case 6 [*] Issue with the Electricity and the 2 Green Lights for a brief second when you enter the Electricity Minigame in Case 2 [*] Possible tweak to the Computer Puzzle in Case 2 [*] You can make the Train SFX carry over to other Screens on the Darkside in Case 3 [*] Delay before the Cursor appears again after progressing the dialogue you get after dropping the Vent on McKing's Car in Case 4 [*] SFX Issue when you enter Nigel's Cave in Case 5 [*] On rare instances the Screen can sometimes be half way too high [*] Wrong sound plays when going through one of the Church Doors in Case 6 [*] Weird Head movement in the Zombie Munch Arcade Game in Case 7 [*] Cursor doesn't stay Greyed out if you replay the Faith Invaders Minigame [*] Opening the Pause Menu or Clicking on the Quit Button will start the Zombie Munch Minigame [*] If you complete the Zombie Munch game while one of the people are Blue then they will be Blue briefly if you Replay in Case 7 [*] Using the D-Pad on Controller highlights the Notebook [*] Minor adjustment to the Waitress Hotspot in Case 9 [*] McQueen's Hotspot is mostly unclickable on the Case 6 Mafia Car Screen [*] Issue when opening the Options Menu when Dialogue is on the Screen [*] You can bring up the Pause Menu in the Quit Game Menu via the Main Menu and get a little blocked [/list]