Hey! This post will be a short one — I just wanted to share this new key art we’ve made for the full game with you. As you can see, it features our cute little PetBot, which seems to be a perfect complement to all the people who have already tested the full version of SuchArt. And what do you think about it? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39170404/4adfcd386f0f45e7a6ae692ad0f9ed94a8d942ca.jpg[/img] Feel free to share your thoughts on our new key art either here or on our Discord (http://discord.gg/4vTRcfS) — they are very very welcome (as usual)! Also, don’t forget to wishlist the full game, as the release is ought to happen, like, really soon — watch for a relevant announcement: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293180/SuchArt_Genius_Artist_Simulator/ May all of you have tons of inspiration and, ofc, a wonderful day! :3