2 Days Left until the Release! Contest Results
Author: SushiRice,
published 3 years ago,
Hi there!
Before we knew it, the time had passed, and now there are only 2 days left until SuchArt finally gets released — yay!
It was a quick reminder that the release is literally around the corner, that you should wishlist the game, save up some pocket money and all that, but today we’ve actually got something else we’d also like to talk about.
As you probably know, we ran a painting contest that ended on Jul 10. Its theme was «Describe SuchArt in one painting to your gaming friend». And well, now’s the time to announce our winners ([i]we’ve already done it on Twitter, but not everyone’s using it, right?[/i]). Here are 10 works that (hopefully) will remind you why you should be waiting for SuchArt — hope you enjoy them!
Congrats to the winners — you guys deserve it! <3
As for everyone else — remember not to get discouraged (yup, that’s an order), and also remember that the game’s gonna be on sale for a week after the release, so you’ll still be able to grab it at an affordable price. And well, that contest was obviously not the last one, so you’ll eventually get a chance to test your skills again!
Anyway, stay tuned and have a lovely day (and wishlist SuchArt)!