[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37471138/20f31ea554b7ea1b1118f16d53ec65eb5e47ecc3.gif[/img] Hey everyone, This post will be a short one — we just want to remind you that SuchArt will be out in a week, i.e. on July 14 @ 10 AM PT! We’ve prepared a short to-do list to make your wait a bit more efficient (and maybe even a tiny bit more pleasant). So, what can you do within the next week? [olist] [*] Sit in your room and count the days/hours until the release (yeah, this one is super boring, just skip it); [*] Wishlist SuchArt if you haven’t done it yet to make the game a bit more visible; [*] Take part in the pre-release contest described in our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1293180/view/2969543143032306599]previous Steam update[/url] to win the full game Steam key. [/olist] P.S. If you don’t want to read the whole update, here’s a short recap: the contest’s theme is «Describe Suchart in one painting to your gaming friend». Upload your work made in [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1469280/SuchArt_Creative_Space/]Creative Space[/url] on Twitter, tag @SuchArtGame AND your any friend, and add #SuchArtReleaseContest hashtag — all the tags should be present within one post with your painting. Make sure to mark July 14 in your calendar, and we’ll see you really soon! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293180/SuchArt_Genius_Artist_Simulator/