[b]Hey everyone,[/b] As we approach the release date, I've been focusing on performance and stability improvements, as well as addressing a few of the most common pain points. The demo has been updated with a number of these changes. See the full patch notes below! [h3]Join the community[/h3] Join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/garZv3Emsv]discord server[/url] to provide feedback and chat with other players! [h3]Patch Notes[/h3] [b]Added[/b] [list] [*] Debug menu to show FPS and GPU/CPU usage. Keybind is F3 by default. [*] Setting to limit FPS. Defaults to 144. [*] Shader precompilation to reduce stuttering when playing the game for the first time [*] New splash screen, starting in windowed mode to help ease display issues when first launching the game [/list][b]Changed[/b] [list] [*] Reduced physics tick rate from 180 to 120 for performance reasons. [*] Optimised dust particles, which were utilising too much GPU processing [*] Stunned insects now update foot placement to look a little less janky [*] Increased player wallrun angle tolerance to make starting wallruns easier [*] Player death tune now adjusts with "Music" volume slider [/list][b]Fixed[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where eliminated enemies would cause obstruction & unexpected behaviour with grappling [*] Fixed an issue causing the "shadow" setting to have no impact [*] Reduced instances of beetle moving too close to edge of islands [/list]