[b]Hey everyone,[/b] A number of quality-of-life improvements & balancing changes have been released to the demo based on player feedback. See below for the full changelog. [h3]Join the community[/h3] Join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/garZv3Emsv]discord server[/url] to provide feedback and chat with other players! [h3]Patch Notes[/h3] [b]Added[/b] [list] [*] A "compass" that can point the player to the next checkpoint. The default key for this is "F". [*] Updated menu backgrounds with more islands & trees [*] Bounce animations for mushrooms [*] Attempting to spawn a sapling on stone will create a spark effect. An ability charge will not be used. [*] Extra checkpoints added to a number of levels [*] Mushroom bounce tutorial added to Forest3 [*] Tutorial for 'restart' hotkeys to Forest1 [/list] [b]Changed[/b] [list] [*] Dashing while hooked now cancels the grapple [*] Ice spikes are now removed when resetting to last checkpoint [*] Replay button is now hidden for current user in leaderboard UI [*] Relevant parts of crosshair are now added gradually as abilities are collected [*] Reduced moth chase speed & acceleration [*] Increase grasshopper jump delay by 25% [*] Reduced frost exploder speed & acceleration [*] Increase Ice Weaver slam delay by ~42% [*] Replay ghost particles now fade out if they are close to the player camera to avoid the player being blinded by the trail [*] Reduced opacity of leaf guides & added distance fade [*] Dashing now transfers momentum on ice [*] Updated medal times for all levels to be more achievable for the average player [/list] [b]Fixed[/b] [list] [*] An issue causing breakable platforms to misbehave and shake violently at low framerates [*] Ice weaver will no longer spawn spikes if they are stunned [*] Stun SFX is now correctly affected by the "SFX" volume setting [*] An issue with the centre crosshair opacity not correctly reflecting the spawnability of saplings [*] Player can no longer "mantle" when on the ground, which fixes some issues with constant mantling when going uphill etc [*] Fixed an issue where player would "hop" downhill after performing a wall-boost [*] Fixed an issue where the player replay ghost trails would 'pop' in/out of view [/list]