Hello hello everyone! Steam summer sale has begun and Spirits of the Hellements is entering a new all time low discount at 50% off. This discount will run until the end of the summer sale on July 11th. In other news, my next project, Godslayer Arena, is now taking sign ups for playtesting. If you haven't heard about it yet it's a fusion of autobattlers and action rpgs. While it is a different genre from Spirits of the Hellements I do think it should still be of interest to a lot of you due to the nature of the autobattler genre. Playtesting will start by the end of next month and I would greatly appreciate it if you signed up and wishlisted the game! Thank you all for your continued support and I'm excited to hear from all of you soon. -Paolo *Sign up for playtests through the page below. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2870430/Godslayer_Arena