[h3]Corrupted Files[/h3] Save files can be corrupted in the event that your computer crashes mid game. This prevents players from selecting a stage and effectively locks you out of playing the game. I am still working on getting a full fix for this, but for now the game will detect a corrupted save and prompt you to delete the save file to start fresh. If you're affected by this, email me at paolo@hipporidergames.com and I will get you a brand new file. Let me know how far along in the game you were and I will restore your lost progress. If you'd rather start fresh instead, you can skip the first two tutorials by following these steps: [olist] [*] Click the fire hellement tier indicator (right below your lives) 3 times [*] Repeat for the lightning indicator [*] Repeat for the wind indicator [*] Click the fire indicator once, then lightning once, then wind once. [/olist] [h3]Other Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed issues caused by restarting the game during a chaos breach [*] Laser Spirit's embrace corruption upgrade now correctly unblesses the blessing [/list]