Hi All! This update brings a lot more voices to the table :) As well as a few fixes to the job system Changes & new content: [list] [*] Station OS voice changed [*] Station OS voices her random thoughts [*] Visitor calling you out when trade is not happening [*] Visitor got his voice when undocking [*] Default pipe speed increased x2 (after appearing in almost every feedback I got :D ) [*] Don't stop playing music during pause and game saving [/list] Bugfixes done [list] [*] Show unreachable jobs in job panel - reported by Pawilonek [*] Fix bug causing a previously unreachable job to be ignored even after it became reachable - reported by Fodder and Pawilonek [*] Fix quest hide button not hiding quest completely - reported by Pawilonek [/list] PS: Emrys, thanks for suggesting to add more voices :)