A milestone was reached today! The pipe system is at a point where I can say it's feature-rich enough to support your automation needs. Anything you can produce can be automated now, it's time to go crazy! Here you can see a simple section producing basic resources & Components: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38808113/5371cb7f982a89251675cdabd3bc3a9338952e2c.png[/img] A Components Factory have 2 inputs - one for Metal and one for Mineral: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38808113/0e4d39e0147231c07c4710702b22c7e8f8f37af6.png[/img] Note: For producing devices - any of the inputs accepts only one item. The currently accepted item can be checked by hovering over Input, a better solution to check it will be implemented in the future. Changelog: [list] [*] Multiple Input Devices - a milestone for full production chains automation [*] Limit amount of item from each input a device may hold - prevent issues with automated production [*] Change: Adding output pipe for Waste Processor [*] Change: Stop production when not enough space for it in the device [*] Cleaner game save slots visual [*] Game optimization [*] Temporary solution for bug occurring when constructing truss/module [/list] About the future - expect more features around automated trading, the introduction of Black CORP demands, and changes to power-creating devices! See you soon! Albert