Hey there! Part of today's release is based on the feedback from Surnrnoner (You can read it [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1403740/discussions/1/3040479910544671326/]here[/url]), big thanks for it! [list] [*] New Feature: Storage devices have filters - define what resources can be stored inside [*] Improvement: You can control crew interaction with more device types [*] Change: Dock port have output pipe - allow to automate dealing with bought resources [*] Change: Overstock of imported items are no longer exported [*] Change: Day/night cycle removal - solar power output decreased but they work all cycle [*] Change: Idle crew will gather at water dispenser if left outside [*] Improvement: Different news is shown depending on if the initial loan was accepted [*] Improvement: Show pipe (and it's content) when hovering over multiple devices/crew [*] Bug Fix: Minor tweaks to device supply configuration UI [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38808113/4a07339fb678e277f1d2bce16a1114b9fe7dd0d2.png[/img]