v0.29 - Can't freeze if you burn
Author: tasori,
published 1 year ago,
Hello there!
It is time to introduce a new element known to any space dweller - heat. From now on any device will generate heat when working.
[*] Temperature system introduced - any device will generate heat when consuming more than 1kWh/day
[*] New device - Passive Cooler - cool down station grid
[*] Trade deal log now shows lost tech points & cash (due to corrupted data & taxes)
Optimization & Fixes
[*] Solved game-crashing bug when reducing trade tax mid-trade
[*] Black Corp repaying button fixed
[*] Scrap metal task now adjusts to amount of scrap metal left on station
[*] Don't lose resources when switching from 'continuous' to 'Do X' production mode