[b]Corruption reduction as BlackCorp payment reward[/b] By repaying your loan you can reduce % of tech points corrupted during the trade. [b]Visitor Tier[/b] By repaying your loan you can also unlock higher Tiers of visitors. The high-tier visitor brings high-tier items to trade. All items are now available via trade. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38808113/0a20be6ae730a39eb7acd8d341024458d36703b3.png[/img] [b]Pipe configuration changed - swipe instead of clicking each pipe[/b] To make preparing pipe setups easier, I've redone how they are configured. Now instead of manually clicking each pipe, you can swipe the mouse holding the left click to over multiple pipes to form a pipeline in the swipe direction. The same pipeline can be disconnected by doing the same & holding the right click. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38808113/0de14e5b1d84eaa5f45ed10acd0979be47f5d620.png[/img] [b]New Items & Devices[/b] [list] [*] [TII] Drone Frame [i](with fabrication plant)[/i] [*] [TII] Drone [i](with fabrication plant)[/i] [*] [TII] Atmospheric Drone [i](with fabrication plant)[/i] [*] [TII] Robot [i](with fabrication plant)[/i] [*] [TIII] Light Fighter [*] [TIII] Hardened Drone Frame [*] [TIII] Quantum Core [*] [TIII] Nanobots [*] [TIII] Planet Drone [*] [TIII] Scoop Drone [*] [TIII] PE Plasma [i](ore for Tier III fuel)[/i] [*] [TIII] Antimatter [i](Tier III fuel)[/i] [*] [TIV] Heavy Fighter [*] [TIV] Shield Emitter [*] [TIV] AI Core [*] [TIV] Metallic Glass [*] [TIV] Phazing Drone [*] [TIV] Superdense Matter [i](ore for Tier III fuel)[/i] [*] [TIV] Strange Matter [i](Tier III fuel)[/i] [*] [TIV] Shielded Fighter [/list] All current & planned production chains compiled into one: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38808113/0b6ff00159a29dc50713099e3f6a9216228fd349.png[/img] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] Recalculated economy [*] Rebalanced tech tree [*] Visitor Needs/Offers redone - contains now all items & is based on Visitor Tier [*] Autotrade gives more tech points for fuel sales compared to manually trading the same fuel [*] Mining Dock needs Drone item delivery to mine [i](Drones get used up during mining)[/i] [*] Removed Hull Plates & Gauss Ammo items [*] Fluff - upon rejection of crew member, the crew pod is ejected out of the station [*] Item panel on the left have now items sorted by price [*] Added roof-like background to crew members when they are outside & over the station [*] Low resources alert now considers not only metal ore but also metal [*] Saveable units stats [/list] [b]UI Improvements[/b] [list] [*] Autotrade device now shows the time to the next visit [*] Cleaner way of presenting player cash [*] Rearranged button placement in panels [i](less scrolling)[/i] [*] Black CORP Inc payback reward is now easier to see through [*] Reduce UI background transparency for item list [*] Reduce UI background transparency of the Unit Management panel [*] Removed 'Switch Connection' button from Pipe Overlay [I](configuration is easier with swipes now)[/i] [*] Adjusted placement of production output in Device panel [*] Adjusted Device Panel filter box size to contain all items [/list] [b]Optimization & Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Optimization: Fixed issue with a job to move items [i](for some jobs it caused its recalculation over & over again, which slowed down the game massively)[/i] [*] Optimization: Bug solved where after each food/water consumed recalculation was made multiple times [i](+1 after each consumption, leading to the game slowing down with time)[/i] [*] Loan amount fixed to be 13 000 000 000 [*] Fixed UI issue in the main menu [*] Redone event system - introduced custom triggers instead of Unity-provided ones - as they have problems when object colliders overlap. [*] Show dropped items content [*] Fixes the sound of devices built during the gameplay [*] Fixed black CORP Inc. Panel - correctly load amount paid back [*] Fixed mining laser - turret was placed under the turret base [*] Scrap metal devices got their image layer put under other devices [*] Removed duplication of 'truss required' lang [*] Resolved pipe bug when built one is put into pipe overlay mode [/list] And a lot of code refactoring like, whoa, a lot!