I'd like to introduce you to Space Architect, a space station building game! It took me more than a year of hobby time development, and a lot is still to be done, but I hope You will enjoy it. In it, you play the role of average Joe trying, but failing, to live on future Earth struck by poverty and disasters, in a universe ruled by megacorporations. By sheer luck, you're selected for the role of space station architect and offered a seemingly unpayable loan causing you to serve until the end of times as just a dot, extending the reach of the Black CORP Inc. megacorporation. But is it really unpayable? Will you be the first to lead the way to freedom for other station architects? Only time will tell! This, 0.18.0, update (which is the first Steam release), brings a new backstory mechanic and power management system to your station, along with tons of fixes & improvements.