Greetings Archfiends! We don't usually reveal content coming in an update ahead of time, but we were so moved by all of your responses to [url=]our recent update about taking a much-needed break and the future of Solium Infernum[/url] that we couldn't help but share what we've been working on with you all. So here it is, a little glimpse into the content side of what's to come for our favourite underworld and Solium Infernum's next update. [h2]2x New Artifacts[/h2] [i]...and a bonus ritual.[/i] [img][/img] [h3]Wyrmm Mounts[/h3] [b]Artifact of War[/b] [i]Mounts are not adult wyrmms. They are juvenile creatures whose body masses typically double during metamorphosis. Mounts rarely resemble the image of their adult form, they remain in larva state for nearly a century, and they peak in physical size and intellect four or five years prior to maturation. Since metamorphosed wyrmms have a short life cycle--typically one month for feeding and reproduction--juvenile wyrmms are preferred for their transportive and, occasionally, combative functions. Larvae spend most of their time underground, feeding off minerals of the land, and so their presence above ground is uncommon. --The Diabolic Encyclopedia[/i] [img][/img] [h3]Skull of the Vile Saint[/h3] [b]Artifact of Sorcery[/b] [i]Tonight I drink from the bottom-side of an ivory and ash chalice. Palm and two fingers cup it by its grooves. Marrow, thick and yellow, boil within its hollow. And the smell of warming sulphur dances up in fumes. Tonight I drink to my longevity. To the pock-marked soil. To the grooves in my face that run like tilled land. I drink to my enemy. May his soul be cast further into the depths of Tartarus, and may I ride a voluminous steed of grey and petrified flesh. --A common toast often associated with drinking from the Vile Saint Skull.[/i] Once equipped to a Ritual Slot, The Skull of the Vile Saint will bestow the below ritual, Ashen Aegis. [img][/img][h3]Ashen Aegis[/h3] [b]Artifact Ritual[/b] [i]Your garrisons' hearts harden: the Max HP of Places of Power under your control is increased by 6.[/i] [h2]New Place of Power[/h2] [img][/img] [h3]Pillar of Skulls[/h3] [b]Place of Power[/b] [i]The Pillar of Skulls is a totem of large, squat skulls with enlarged proportions and exaggerated facial features, each representing a Son of Typhon lost to battle. Closer observation reveals the etchings of stairs that circle upward and around the pillar's girth. The stairs are masked by the contours of teeth, jaws, and those cranial grooves indicative of battle. --The Diabolic Encyclopedia[/i] [h2]2x New Rituals[/h2] There are two new Level 5 Rituals designed to arm late-game Archfiends with the ability to target an opponent's industrious manuscript collecting efforts. [img][/img][h3]Blight Wisdom[/h3] [b]Ritual[/b] - Available at Destruction Power 5 [i]Destroys 2 - 3 random manuscript fragments belonging to the target.[/i] [img][/img][h3]Raid the Library[/h3] [b]Ritual[/b] - Available at Deceit Power 5 [i]Steals 1 - 2 random manuscript fragments from the target’s library and adds them to your own.[/i] [h2]That's it! [/h2] Hopefully this little preview of content to come gets conversation fired up enough to tie you over until the update drops. For those sickos among us who love all the gory details, full patch notes will of course be made available alongside the update's release in coming weeks. Until then... See you in Hell. [b]<3 LoG[/b]