[b]Fellow Abominations,[/b] We have some very exciting news... [h2]Solium Infernum is gearing up for Playtesting![/h2] This means that you’ll not only be able to get your hands on Solium Infernum earlier than release, but your opinions, decisions and feedback will fuel parts of our development decision-making… You get to play with what we’ve been working on for all this time. 😅 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42983950/7cb4970106828fb66c81f9823c576a58ce5b9a84.gif[/img] [h3]A few things to note![/h3] We’re going to be conducting the Playtesting in multiple phases, targeting specific people with each Phase. We anticipate there will be multiple Technical Preview Phases – and if all goes to plan…. Public Beta! 🔥 Throughout the entire Playtesting Period, the Community Managers will be regularly scheduling [i][b]Drop Ins[/b][/i], where people can come and chat in the [url=https://discord.com/invite/zqx9PFWwZ8]Official League of Geeks Discord[/url] with LoG Staff, and ask any technical questions you may have! We’re so excited for you to finally see behind the curtain and get your hands on this game that we all love so much. ❤️‍🔥 [h3]Want to be involved in Playtesting?[/h3] Go ahead and [url=https://discord.com/invite/zqx9PFWwZ8]Join the Official LoG Discord[/url] to learn more! Excited to see you there! See you in Hell, <3 League of Geeks