[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32981460/f11770c814c84461393c89c9987f49e57e5808de.png[/img] Hello LoGers! Exciting news to kick off the new year; I'm here to introduce you to some recent and not-so-recent additions to our publishing team! We have... [list] [*] [b]Kelsey [/b](kindofsquishy), our Publishing Producer [*] [b]Chan [/b](log_chan), our Community Manager [*] & [b]Sarah[/b] (wolfey_11), our Community Content Manager [/list] We ask that you give them all a massive warm welcome! Naturally, you'll now be seeing a lot more activity in the community from us, not just on our upcoming two new titles, but Armello too. Including the much requested return of streaming, so watch this space! While Kelsey and I will be more ninja & behind the scenes, Chan & Sarah will be frequenting our Steam Pages with updates, announcements + comments. They'll be managing Armello, Solium Infernum AND Jumplight Odyssey, so if you have any questions regarding any of our titles, just give 'em a holler! Also, feel free to hop into our new Discord Server, where you can hang out with everyone in real time. You can do that by clicking right... [url=https://discord.gg/RZshTakzGp]here[/url]. <3 Trent & the LoG Squad