[b]Hail Archfiends! [/b] Exciting news today... Michael Allen's [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2801640/Solium_Infernum_Original_Game_Soundtrack/]soundtrack[/url] for Solium Infernum [url=https://www.worldsoundtrackawards.com/news/vote-for-the-wsa-game-music-awards-2024]has been nominated for a World Soundtrack Award[/url]! The best news is that the winner is chosen by vote and it's open to the public! So you can cast your vote for Solium's score to win the category. We're up against some fierce competition this year, and voting requires an account on the World Soundtrack Awards website (which you can easily create for free), so we'd love for us all to come together and give this incredible soundtrack one Hell of a shot at winning! 🗳💪 [h2]How to Vote[/h2] [olist] [*]Log in to your MyFFG account on the [url=https://www.worldsoundtrackawards.com/]World Soundtrack Awards website[/url] (see the top of their website). Don't have a login? You can easily create one [url=https://www.filmfestival.be/en/account/login]here[/url]. [*]Once you are logged in, you have access to the [url=https://www.filmfestival.be/en/myffg/wsa-public-choice-wsa-game-music]WSA tab[/url] in your MyFFG account. [*]Go to the voting platform and cast your vote! [/olist] [h3]Thanks, pals! [/h3] Michael Allen is LoG's longest running collaborator and has provided the soundtrack to every one of our games. We'd love for the community to rally around him right now and try to get him this award that he is so incredibly deserving of. [i]Not to forget the killer track Sarah Wolfe and Xavier Dunn laid down, Eternal Nights. Ooooft! [/i] If you haven't spent some time listening to the Solium Infernum Original Game Soundtrack, it's well worth your time and you can [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2801640/Solium_Infernum_Original_Game_Soundtrack/]purchase it on Steam[/url], or listen to it on [url=https://open.spotify.com/album/79lMY7cOOmcw7ZEcRzGtFH]Spotify[/url] and [url=https://music.apple.com/us/album/solium-infernum-original-game-soundtrack/1728502601]Apple Music[/url]. [b]Vote now! <3 LoG[/b]