Greetings, Fiends! We have news from the deepest, most vacuous pits of Hell… Prepare to delve deeper into the infernal machinations of Solium Infernum with a DLC expansion! Within the DLC’s dark confines, you will find a plethora of new content, including the arrival of [b]Belphegor, the Paragon of Impiety[/b], of whom is now playable in conquest of the Infernal Throne. [h2]New Archfiend: Belphegor [/h2] Belphegor, the embodiment of Sloth and Indolence, has emerged from the abyss to stake claim to what is rightfully his. With cunning strategies and a legion of devoted servitors at their command, Belphegor is poised to challenge the established order and reshape the very fabric of Hell itself… From the comfort of his Stronghold, of course. [img][/img] [h3]New Chronicle! Empires of Ash[/h3] A new Chronicle scenario for Belphegor. While the rest of the Archfiends scheme and squabble over trinkets, Belphegor's ambition is nothing less than to refute the Tyrant Himself. Before he can turn his attention heav'nward, Belphegor must first subjugate Hell and bring all before him choking to their knees. This strategic map is designed to push the Despoiler's genius and his Dark Pylons to the limit. [img][/img] [h3]New Dark Art + Ritual! Dark Pylons[/h3] Harness the power of Dark Pylons to exude your influence across the blasted wastes of Hell. These sinister structures serve as conduits for your infernal energy, extending your reach and control over key strategic locations. [img][/img] [h3]New Archfiend Legion! Servitors of Belphegor[/h3] Belphegor's personal legion, the Servitors of Belphegor, stand ready to enact their master's will. With a relentless devotion to their Archfiend, these infernal warriors will strike fear into the hearts of all who oppose you. [i]And more information on Belphegor will be released in an Archfiend Reveal coming next week![/i] [h2]AND… A Patch With New Content for All Players![/h2] Alongside the release of the Belphegor, Paragon of Impiety DLC, we will also be pushing a patch live that has a handful of content, some feature-work and a major balance pass. Which, naturally, all players will have access to, regardless of whether they possess the DLC or not! Embrace the following additions to your infernal arsenal: [list][*][b]New Place of Power! Bronze Pyramid:[/b] [i]In the belly of the pyramid lay a cache of metals from which my employer would melt and form the alloys of a war machine. Securing them would not be easy, and I was the twelfth demon commissioned -and the only one still upright- to take these materials by force. Later, I would learn that twenty-seven other were approached after my recruitment. Had I known my employer’s desperation, I would have negotiated myself a more lucrative arrangement.[/i] [*] [b]New Legion! Bane of the Righteous:[/b] [i]Do not underestimate the effects of these creatures, my dear lord. Your suggested disposal disheartens me. Failure at one’s job does not grant that one the ability to circumvent authority. I may lack the physical means to lean your actions, though I do possess a prowess above strength. As such, I have made this letter public, and I presume you will stay your ground while the Choir works toward a more accommodating solution.[/i] [*] [b]New Praetor! Queen of the Damned:[/b] [i]She wields two blades that move with such rapidity that the eye cannot discern one from the other. Nay only a shimmering haze is apparent before the pointed screech of pain is elicited from her opponent. She does not dispatch quickly, preferring to bleed her antagonist slowly and seems to draw strength from the agonizing decline in strength that follows each surgical cut. Doom by a thousand cuts has never been more real in the Grand Arena than when the Queen performs her dance.[/i] [*] [b]New Praetor! Temeluchas:[/b] [i]Stand aside for he, Temeluchas, is the vessel chosen to bring my wrath. When my mouth speaks, Temeluchas will be the cudgel that strikes the heads of my enemies. When my mouth falls silent, he will seek out those I shall speak against next. He will wear my seal upon his breast and will carry my authority over all the Underworld. He is the sharpness of my tooth and the broad muscles of my tail.[/i] [*] [b]New Artifact of Pride! Feretory of False Prophets:[/b] [i]Find me your wanderers, your crazed, your men with signs. Feed me your women, their legs, their hopes and sighs. Cut my strips and I will speak of things supposed to be, but never you listen for my thin tongue can only placate me.[/i] [*] [b]AI Difficulty Levels + Improvements:[/b] Face even greater challenges with new AI difficulty levels, tailored to test your infernal cunning to its limits. Coupled with a tonne of improvements to Archfiend AI. [*] [b]Improved Tooltips and Encyclopaedia Updates:[/b] Expand your knowledge of the infernal realms with updated tooltips and encyclopaedia entries, providing deeper insights into the strategies and lore of Solium Infernum. We have included improvements to Ritual Resistance, in particular! [*] [b]Deep Balance Pass:[/b] We've been through the entire game prodding and poking to tighten up a number of areas in Hell. Thanks for everyone's feedback here! [*][b]And a bunch more![/b] Full patch notes to come with release.[/list] [h2]ALSO, There's a Hotfix Incoming Today![/h2] That's right! Before any of you ask... there’ll be a Hotfix going live later today that will include steps towards [b]mitigating abuse of Ritual Framing against Pandemonium[/b]. So keep your All Seeing Eyes peeled! [h3]See you, and our boy Belphy, in Hell on April 23rd![/h3] <3 LoG