[b]Well howdy there demon lords! [/b] Quick lil hotfix for y'all just stompin' a couple bugs. [b]BUGFIXES[/b][list] [*] Fixed a bug where Dutch was erroneously displaying as a language option. [*] Feretory of False Prophets (Artifact of Pride) now correctly gives +1 Healing rate to all units when attached to PoP. [/list] That's it for now. While you're here, why not regale us with a tale of how you oh so beautifully betrayed a "friend" in Solium Infernrum? [b]<3 LoG[/b] Also, new Archfiend, Belphegor, Paragon of Impiety was released just last month! For those who haven't had the pleasure of meeting him yet, check him out in all his glory below! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2893270/Solium_Infernum__Belphegor_Paragon_of_Impiety/