[i]PLEASE NOTE: We have updated the server to facilitate this Patch. If you experience any ongoing connection issues (like turn timers zeroing out or error messages) please just exit the client - do not forfeit/abandon your games! - download the update via Steam, and dive back in. If you were in a sessional game, it will remain in progress and you will be able to re-enter via the main menu.[/i] [b]Hail Archfiends! [/b] We have a little hotfix for you today to just clear out a small issue with supporting Legions not triggering correctly when attacking Panda. [h3]Bug Fix[/h3] [list][*] When attacking Pandaemonium to seize it, and you are not currently excommunicated when beginning the attack, support from your other Legions will now correctly apply.[/list] That's it. Just a small (but obviously extremely important) fix today. [b]See you In Hell! <3 LoG [/b]